


2024-10-16 23:40:10 | ナイジェリア事情

A fuel tanker exploded overnight in northern Nigeria, killing at least 104 people who rushed to the scene of the accident to collect leaking petrol.

BBC Fire kills 104 people after fuel tanker crash in Nigeria 46 minutes ago

Mansur Abubakar

 現地時間23:30 (22:30 GMT)に事故があり、通例に従ってと言おうか人々が集まる。警察は阻止線を引くが、当然、抑えきれない。そうこうするうちに火がついて爆発炎上。

Officers had warned people not to approach the tanker after the accident late on Tuesday night, but they were unable to contain the growing crowd, said police spokesman Lawal Shiisu Adam.

"We tried our best to stop people going to the vehicle to get petrol but despite cordoning [off] the area, we were overpowered and as people were scooping fuel, fire erupted," he told the BBC.


Many of the victims have been burnt beyond recognition. The recovered bodies have been covered by tree branches to shield them from onlookers.



BBC ‘When I saw my farm submerged, I was confused’ ‘When I saw my farm submerged, I was confused’ 

Mema Fwa lost her entire yield this season. Rabiu Musa cannot pay back his $1,800 loan due to a failed harvest.

Climate change is wreaking havoc on farmers in northern Nigeria, contributing to growing food insecurity for millions this year, says the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization.
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