BBC Asia stocks drop as slowdown fears rattle investors 3 October 2019
BBC Oil prices soar after attacks on Saudi facilities 17 Sep 2019
BBC The Amazon in Brazil is on fire - how bad is it? 30 August 2019 By The Visual and Data Journalism Team
BBC Amazon fires: What about Bolivia? 27 August 2019
BBC Great Barrier Reef outlook very poor, Australia says 30 August 2019
BBC Israel mosque find: Archaeologists unearth 1,200-year-old ruins in desert 18 July 2019
「One of the world's earliest known mosques, built around 1,200 years ago, has been discovered by archaeologists in Israel's Negev Desert.
The remains, dating from the 7th or 8th century, were found in the Bedouin town of Rahat.」
「It is the first known mosque from this period in the area, rivalling the age of those found in Mecca and Jerusalem, the IAA said.」
BBC Earliest direct evidence of milk consumption By Paul Rincon 10 September 2019
「The team identified milk protein entombed in calcified dental plaque (calculus) on the teeth of prehistoric farmers from Britain.
It shows that humans were consuming dairy products as early as 6,000 years ago - despite being lactose intolerant.」
会社でやるeラーニングはだいたいこんな感じ #現場猫 #電話猫 pic.twitter.com/LILBFet4CL
— からあげの るつぼ (@karaage_rutsubo) 2020年1月7日
— 水戸泉・4月17日ティアラ文庫禁断童話アンソロジー発売 (@mittochi) 2019年9月28日
戦車の絵本を絶版に追い込んだ左翼女性「絵本に戦車なんか載せないのは当たり前だ」ってキレてたけど、そういう根拠のないマイルールを押し通していいのなら、あんな偏った左翼のプロパガンダ展に税金使うなって意見も通っちゃう。なんで「自分たちの意見だけは尊重してもらえて当然」って思うんだろ。 https://t.co/6Cru8X4k90
— 水戸泉・4月17日ティアラ文庫禁断童話アンソロジー発売 (@mittochi) 2019年9月28日
— JUN TAKAI (@J_Tphoto) 2019年10月4日
安倍首相の所信表明演説の全文: https://t.co/naAPsdIxgO
演説全文読んでみた。船後さんを友人として迎えると、安倍さん自身が明言して歓迎したのは、れいわの2議員に対する世論の分断を考えると、すごく、すごーく大きいことじゃなかろうか。親安倍、反安倍で対立が先鋭化していた構図を陳腐化し、崩すきっかけになってほしい。 https://t.co/bQj6P0mZAz
— Noriaki Yoshikawa (@yoshikawanori) 2019年10月4日
BBC Asia stocks drop as slowdown fears rattle investors 3 October 2019
BBC Oil prices soar after attacks on Saudi facilities 17 Sep 2019
BBC The Amazon in Brazil is on fire - how bad is it? 30 August 2019 By The Visual and Data Journalism Team
BBC Amazon fires: What about Bolivia? 27 August 2019
BBC Great Barrier Reef outlook very poor, Australia says 30 August 2019
BBC Israel mosque find: Archaeologists unearth 1,200-year-old ruins in desert 18 July 2019
「One of the world's earliest known mosques, built around 1,200 years ago, has been discovered by archaeologists in Israel's Negev Desert.
The remains, dating from the 7th or 8th century, were found in the Bedouin town of Rahat.」
「It is the first known mosque from this period in the area, rivalling the age of those found in Mecca and Jerusalem, the IAA said.」
BBC Earliest direct evidence of milk consumption By Paul Rincon 10 September 2019
「The team identified milk protein entombed in calcified dental plaque (calculus) on the teeth of prehistoric farmers from Britain.
It shows that humans were consuming dairy products as early as 6,000 years ago - despite being lactose intolerant.」