


2023-03-15 18:18:39 | ビルマ/ミャンマー

BBC Myanmar army kill more than 28 in monastery attack - insurgent group 13 Mar 2023 By Jonathan Head & Kelly Ng

At least 28 people were killed by the Myanmar army at a monastery in southern Shan state, an insurgent group said.

Troops shelled Nan Naint village on Saturday, the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) said.

Myanmar has seen a growing number of deadly battles between its military and armed resistance groups since the junta seized power in a coup two years ago.

On Saturday, the military's air force and artillery entered the village after the shelling around 16:00 local time (09:30 GMT) and executed villagers they found hiding inside a monastery, the KNDF said.


The group said the villagers had believed taking shelter with the highly-respected monks in the area might guarantee them protection. Others in the village had evacuated before the soldiers arrived.


BBC Opium production in Myanmar surges to nine-year high 26 January 2023

The production of opium increased sharply in Myanmar, rising to a nine-year high, according to the UN.

It touched nearly 795 metric tonnes in 2022, nearly double the production in 2021 - 423 metric tonnes - the year of the military coup.

The annual opium survey conducted by the UN, however, shows that production in Myanmar has risen again. Opium production in 2022 has been the highest since 2013, when the figure stood at 870 metric tonnes.
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