

ミャンマー・クーデター:Everything will be OK-19歳女性の死亡とその葬列

2021-03-04 19:54:39 | Weblog

BBC Myanmar coup: 'Everything will be OK' teenage protester mourned 13 minutes ago



Crowds gathered in Mandalay on Thursday for the funeral of a 19-year-old woman who was shot dead during anti-coup protests a day earlier.

Kyal Sin, known as Angel, was wearing a T-shirt with the phrase "Everything will be OK" when she died.

Tributes have flooded in on social media, with many calling her a "hero".

 着ていたTシャツにEverything will be OKと書いていたということもあり、絵的にも映える。

More than 50 people have died since the protests began, according to the UN's envoy to Myanmar, although other reports put the figure higher.

Aware of the dangers of taking part in the protests, she had written her blood type details on Facebook and requested that her body organs be donated in the event of her death.

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