

Mukhtar Robowが宗教相に任じられた件

2022-08-11 22:47:06 | ソマリア関係人名録
 嘗てのal-Shababのspokesman、Mukkhtar Robowがこの度、宗教相に任じられた。
 2013年に投降して以来、house arrest状態だったそうだが、延々9年ほど。返り咲き。

BBC Somali MPs approve ex-militant's cabinet appointment 7 Aug 2022

Somalia's parliament has approved the appointment of a new cabinet which includes the former spokesman of militant Islamist group al-Shabab, the state-owned news agency Sonna has reported.

Mukhtar Robow's appointment as religious affairs minister was announced by Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre on Tuesday.

He had defected from al-Shabab in 2013, and had been placed under house arrest by the former government.

Some analysts saw his appointment as an attempt by the new government to wage an ideological war against al-Shabab.

 その目的はal Shababに対するイデオロギー闘争のためとか、なんとか。まあとりあえず、旧反対勢力に対する和解の一形態、ということでよいのは一面、確かだろう。
 しかし、まあ。イデオロギー闘争なんぞ必要な相手かね? というのも一方の事実か。

BBC Somali official killed in bomb attack 29 Jul 2022 By Will Ross

A regional minister and his son have been killed in a bomb attack in south-west Somalia.

The blast in Baidoa city targeted Hassan Ibrahim Lugbur - the south-west region's justice minister - as he was leaving the mosque after Friday prayers.

Several other people including his security guards were injured. Earlier this week the mayor of the port city of Merka - in the same region of Somalia - was also killed.



BBC Ethiopia troops clash with al-Shabab fighters 30 Jul 2022 By Will Ross

The Somali Islamist militant group, al-Shabaab, has launched an attack on the town of Aato on the Ethiopian border for the second time in just over a week.

A senior Ethiopian security official told the BBC that fighting broke out early on Friday between the militants and a combined force of Ethiopian federal soldiers and troops from the Somali region.

Last week, the al-Qaeda-linked group said it had killed dozens of Ethiopian security forces during cross border raids.

Officials in Addis Ababa said in response close to 200 al-Shabab fighters were killed.


BBC US air strike targets Islamists in Somalia - state media 10 Aug 2022 By Will Ross

State-owned media in Somalia says the US military has carried out an air strike against al-Shabab fighters in the central Hiran region.

It said this followed a request from the Somali government.

The US-Africa Command has not yet commented.

State-owned media in Somalia says the US military has carried out an air strike against al-Shabab fighters in the central Hiran region.

It said this followed a request from the Somali government.

The US-Africa Command has not yet commented.
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