


2024-11-25 17:45:24 | Newsメモ

“The vodka shots are part of the package, but no one wants to drink the local vodka right now.”


BBC 'Don't drink the spirits': Laos backpackers avoid shots after suspected poisonings 12 hours ago

Rupert Wingfield-Hayes


As the sun slowly dips behind the jagged peaks of Mount Nam Xay, a group of brightly coloured hot air balloons drift across the Vang Vieng valley.

In the river below, young tourists laugh and splash each other from their kayaks.

It’s not hard to see what draws so many travellers here to this little town in central Laos. The scenery is stunning, the fun cheap and plentiful.

the fun cheap and plentiful」で、それを安全安心に享受できると、あまりに信じすぎたゆえの事件といえそうだ。道端の怪しげな食べ物を―というのはこうした旅の味わいだとはわかるが、そこの吟味もすべきだろう。たまに失敗するのんが出るわけだが、今回、あまりに連発しすぎましたねー…。

 さて私は「バケツ呑み」drink bucketsを「あーなるほど鯨飲ってことか」と合理的解釈をしていたのだが

“In Vietnam we got free drinks, particularly when you’re playing games in the evening,” one of them tells me. “And we just never thought about it, you just presume what they are giving you is safe. We’ve drunk buckets before, but we are not going to take the risk again, and a lot of people here feel the same.”

“Buckets” are exactly what they sound like - small plastic buckets filled with cheap vodka and other liquor. Groups of friends share the mixture through long plastic straws.



Both women said they are now sticking to drinking bottled or canned beer.



What we do know is all the victims stayed at the same place, The Nana Backpackers hostel. It’s now been confirmed the American victim was found dead in his bedroom there on 13 November. On the same morning the two Danish victims were found unconscious in their rooms and rushed to the local hospital.



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