tetujin's blog


This summer

2022-06-28 22:33:25 | herb, plant

After the rainy season, the garden of my house is in the middle of the season when herbs grow thick. Basil is extremely energetic. Basil  grows the stems and leaves under the sunshine. Basil, native to the Middle East, India, is an herb that grows and blooms in the summer.

Basil leaves are easy to smell when dried, so it is recommended to soak them in oil and store them. Easy-to-use simple "Basil oil" and "Basil paste" can be enjoyed with a fresh scent all year round if frozen.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. The thyme field at my house is fine without watering at all.

The west wind blows in Tokyo, and the temperature exceed 30 degrees Celsius from morning tomorrow. It's a murderous heat. This will continue until mid-August when the typhoon arrives. This summer must be long.


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