tetujin's blog


tour attendant

2022-08-11 19:01:03 | 日記

Tour Guide nor Tour Conductor.
Perhaps it is one of the ways of group travel unique to China and Korea, including Japan.
If they have the qualification "Nationally certified Interpreter-Tour Guide", I can understand them somehow. They have a high level of expertise and provide tourist information in their own language to people who do not understand the language. Local English guides are very reliable when you go abroad.

But what is the job of a tour attendant? When I joined on a group trip (a so-called package tour), there were the tour attendants. Looking at their work on Youtube, it looks pretty tough. A punching bag for members of a group tour. Take all the member's dissatisfaction and conduct the trip.

I was dissatisfied with why I had to bear the travel expenses of a useless tour attendant. For tourist information, the local guide's English is sufficient. First of all, even if I suddenly hear a detailed history, I won't be able to get it in my head. What left an impression on me was how the local guides felt about history. For example, if the guide tells us how the local people feel about SAMURAI, such as the image that ordinary Japanese people have, I will easily  accept the history behind it as a real experience. 

So, when I participate in a group tour, I mostly talk about various things with the local guide. At that time, Japanese tour attendants often intervene. They maybe thought if I had a question, I should not ask rocal guide but them. But it wasn't.
They casually researched the questions and feelings of the members who participated in the trip. Then, based on such information, they will provide more detailed information to everyone.

Being a tour attendant is hard work. I will be unable to stand that punching bag state for me.

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