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/*============================================= FILE: $#$CELL B2$#$.c ==============================================*/ #define _$#$CELL K2$#$_C #include "$#$CELL B2$#$.h" $#$REP 5$#$ #include "$#$KETA B$#$.h" $#$REPEND A$#$ /*============================================= FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ==============================================*/ /*============================================= FUNCTION: AEEClsCreateInstance ==============================================*/ int AEEClsCreateInstance(AEECLSID ClsId, IShell *pIShell, IModule *po, void **ppObj) { *ppObj = NULL; if( ClsId == AEECLSID_$#$CELL K2$#$ ) { // Create the applet and make room for the applet structure if( AEEApplet_New(sizeof($#$CELL B2$#$), ClsId, pIShell, po, (IApplet**)ppObj, (AEEHANDLER)$#$CELL B2$#$_HandleEvent, (PFNFREEAPPDATA)$#$CELL B2$#$_FreeAppData) ) // the FreeAppData function is called after sending EVT_APP_STOP to the HandleEvent function { //Initialize applet data, this is called before sending EVT_APP_START // to the HandleEvent function if($#$CELL B2$#$_InitAppData(($#$CELL B2$#$*)*ppObj)) { //Data initialized successfully return(AEE_SUCCESS); } else { //Release the applet. This will free the memory allocated for the applet when // AEEApplet_New was called. IAPPLET_Release((IApplet*)*ppObj); return EFAILED; } } // end AEEApplet_New } return(EFAILED); } /*=========================================================================== FUNCTION SampleAppWizard_HandleEvent ===========================================================================*/ static boolean $#$CELL B2$#$_HandleEvent($#$CELL B2$#$* pMe, AEEEvent eCode, uint16 wParam, uint32 dwParam) { boolean ret; ret = FALSE; // 処理していない // スタート時に、はじめの画面を呼ぶ if ( eCode == EVT_APP_START) { START_FUNC; return TRUE; } else if ( pMe == NULL ) { return FALSE; } // それ以外は、画面に応じたHandleEventをよぶ else { switch(pMe->gno) { case 1: $#$REP 5$#$ ret = $#$KETA B$#$_HandleEvent(pMe,eCode,wParam,dwParam); break; $#$REPEND A$#$ } } // 処理した結果、gnoが-1になったら終了 if ( pMe->gno == -1 ) { ISHELL_CloseApplet(pMe->pIShell,FALSE); return TRUE; } return ret; } // this function is called when your application is starting up boolean $#$CELL B2$#$_InitAppData($#$CELL B2$#$* pMe) { // Get the device information for this handset. // Reference all the data by looking at the pMe->DeviceInfo structure // Check the API reference guide for all the handy device info you can get pMe->DeviceInfo.wStructSize = sizeof(pMe->DeviceInfo); ISHELL_GetDeviceInfo(pMe->a.m_pIShell,&pMe->DeviceInfo); // The display and shell interfaces are always created by // default, so we'll asign them so that you can access // them via the standard "pMe->" without the "a." pMe->pIDisplay = pMe->a.m_pIDisplay; pMe->pIShell = pMe->a.m_pIShell; // Insert your code here for initializing or allocating resources... pMe->gno = 0; pMe->garea = NULL; pMe->pMap = IKHMAP_Create(pMe->pIShell,pMe->pIDisplay,pMe); if ( pMe->pMap == NULL ) { return FALSE; } pMe->pMap->pUserFree = freeFunc; pMe->pMap->pUserInit = initFunc; // デバッグ用設定 DEBUG_FUNC; // if there have been no failures up to this point then return success return TRUE; } // this function is called when your application is exiting void $#$CELL B2$#$_FreeAppData($#$CELL B2$#$* pMe) { if ( pMe->pMap != NULL ) { IKHMAP_Release(pMe->pMap); pMe->pMap = NULL; } } void initFunc(IKHUser *pUser) { $#$CELL B2$#$ *pMe; if ( pUser == NULL ) return; pMe = ($#$CELL B2$#$ *)pUser->pMe; switch(pUser->kind) { $#$REP 5$#$ case USER_ITEM_$#$KETA K$#$: $#$KETA B$#$_InitAppData(pMe); pUser->val = pMe->garea; return; $#$REPEND A$#$ } } void freeFunc(IKHUser *pUser) { $#$CELL B2$#$ *pMe = ($#$CELL B2$#$ *)pUser->pMe; if ( pUser == NULL ) return; switch(pUser->kind) { $#$REP 5$#$ case USER_ITEM_$#$KETA K$#$: $#$KETA B$#$_FreeAppData(pMe); pUser->val = NULL; return; $#$REPEND A$#$ } } |