JA6WFM DX - CONTEST-50MHz plus 160m JCG-43012


CQ WW CW LOG check report

2015-04-13 17:42:00 | アマチュア無線
昨年のCQ WW CW YS1YSのLog check reportが届きました。

************************** Summary ***************************

1909 Claimed QSO before checking (does not include duplicates)
1895 Final QSO after checking reductions

4669 Claimed QSO points
4570 Final QSO points

95 Claimed countries
95 Final countries

30 Claimed zones
30 Final zones

125 Claimed mults
125 Final mults

583625 Claimed score
571250 Final score

2.1% Score reduction
0.7% Error Rate based on claimed and final qso counts
11 (0.6%) calls copied incorrectly
0 (0.0%) exchanges copied incorrectly
3 (0.2%) not in log
17 (0.9%) duplicates (Removed without penalty)
3 (0.2%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)
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