English Collection



2008年05月07日 | 英語学習
最近は卓球、テニス、週末農作業そしてマンションの管理組合活動と忙しいのでやりませんが以前は(つまりここに書いた活動を全くしていなかった2年前の事です)ジョッギング、公園の鉄棒で懸垂やダンベルでの腕の運動をよくしていました。メルマガのArcaMaxから Why are hand weights called "dumbbells"? という記事が送られてきました。教会のベルと関係があると言う興味深い語源の話なのでその一部を引用します。
In medieval Europe, the ringing of church bells was an important enterprise, and learning to ring the bells properly required extensive training and practice. Because no one wanted to listen to some clumsy novice trying to master this skill ("DONG-ding-ding-oops!-DONG-ding-DONG"), novice bell-ringers practiced with "dumb bells," metal weights that made no sound when manipulated.
During the "fitness craze" of the late 1700s, people started using smaller versions of these weights for exercise, and these became known as "dumbbells" as well. "Pump your dumbbells, Henry, or you'll never be able to toss those tea chests into Boston Harbor!"
なるほど、面白い話ですね。卓球やテニスの腕があがるかも知れないのでまたダンベルをしようかな。でもやり過ぎて "dumbbell" と呼ばれたくはないですね。
The use of "dumbbell" to describe a slow-witted person may refer to metal dumbbells. Or, it may be a combination of "dumb," meaning stupid, and "bell," an old term for the head. Today's football announcers still use this meaning of "bell" when they say a player dazed by a blow to the head has "had his bell rung."
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