English Collection



2008年05月21日 | 英語学習
昨日の続きです。 "paraphernalia" を辞書で見ると、
OneLook Quick Definitions: equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.
Compact Oxford Dictionary: miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity.

V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: Mike is a big sports nut and collects team paraphernalia for his favorite sports teams. (goods, collectibles)
The boy's parents were shocked to find their son's closet full of drug paraphernalia. (equipment, gear)
Wiktionary: He has an impressive collection of bicycling paraphernalia, but he doesn't ride very often anymore.
Cambridge International English Dictionary: We sell pots, gloves, seeds and other gardening paraphernalia.
Bags of cocaine and all sorts of drug paraphernalia were seized at the airport.
"paraphernalia" は覚えておきたい単語ですね。
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