VIDEO: U.N. Report Calls on Governments to Protect Whistleblowers, Not Prosecute Them
Posted on Oct 24, 2015 truthdig から転載です!←なかなかいいサイトです!
The U.N. envoy charged with protecting free speech around the globe has declared that confidential sources and whistleblowers are a fundamental element of a healthy democracy and that governments must protect them rather than demonize them. The report by David Kaye, the United Nations special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, also sheds light on the punitive treatment of whistleblowers in the United States, most notably former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who is living in Russia as a fugitive from the U.S. government.国連の表現や発言の自由の権利保護推進のための特別調査官はアメリカの内部告発者に対する懲戒的な扱いに光を当てた。秘密の情報源や内部告発は健全な民主主義の基軸になる要素であり、政府は彼らを犯罪扱いするより保護すべきであるとデビッドさんは宣言した。
In this video from Human Rights Watch, Edward Snowden describes how “a whistleblower almost has to become comfortable with the idea of becoming a martyr, because the probability of retaliation is so certain.”内部告発者は殉教者になる。なぜなら彼らが報復を受けるのは確実だからとスノーデンは語っている。人権監視の『ビデオ』によるとー。
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From The Intercept:
Snowden has been charged with three felonies, including two under the heavy-handed World War I-era Espionage Act, which does not allow defendants to make the argument that their actions were in the public interest.
Kaye, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, notes in his report that “Snowden’s revelations of surveillance practices” made “a deep and lasting impact on law, policy and politics.”カリフォルニア大学の法学者KAYEはスノーデンの国の監視実施の暴露は法律や政策、政治に深い長期的な衝撃を与えたと語る。
Square, Site wideIn a statement accompanying the report in response to Kaye’s questionnaire, U.S. officials acknowledged that government employees who deal with classified material are not covered by the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. But they insisted that those employees “retain the ability to report any perceived government fraud, waste, or abuse to appropriate inspectors general, other executive branch oversight entities, and certain members of Congress while preserving any national security interests at issue.”Kayeのアンケートで連邦公務員は内部告発者強化〈増進)条例で護られていない。しかし彼らは認知した政府の詐欺、浪費、虐待を適切な調査官に報告する能力を持っていると強調する。問題になっている国家安全保障の利害を保護しながら議会のあるメンバーや他の幹部監視機関に報告する権利を持っている。
The U.S. statement maintained that criminal charges are reserved for people who disclose secrets “with the intent, or with reason to believe, that the information is to be used, or could be used, to injure or harm the United States, or to advantage a foreign nation.”情報がアメリカに損害をもたらし外国の有利のために使われるために秘密が明らかにされるとき犯罪行為になると政府は言っている。
But those assertions were quickly condemned by whistleblower advocates as farcical.しかしこれらの主張を内部告発者を支持するものたちは茶番だとすぐ批判している。
Jesselyn Radack, a lawyer who represents whistleblowers, said the U.S. statement in response to Kaye’s questions “grossly overstates the protections for whistleblowers and journalists in the U.S. and turns a blind eye to the many shortfalls in current U.S. law and U.S. policies that chill freedom of expression and interfere with investigative journalism.”内部告発者を代表する弁護士は「Kayeの質問に対する政府の答弁は内部告発者やジャーナリストの保護を大げさに言っているが、多くの昨今の調査ジャーナリズムや表現の自由を凍てつかせるアメリカの法律や政治の欠陥に盲目である」と言った。
“National security and intelligence community whistleblowers have no meaningful legal protections,” she noted.