New Cultural Studies 6: On the institutionalization of The CCI Studies in the UK
Abstract: This essay, which is the sixth in a seven-part series, introduces a recent rise of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) studies in the UK. It reviews some of the more prominent programs focused explicitly on the CCI looking closely at typical program and curriculum design and their theoretical scopes. The essay acknowledges criticism that has been raised within cultural studies against CCI, but nevertheless argues that the CCI is developing its own critical research agenda and deserves more attention from media and cultural studies scholars in Japan. First, such critical...
"Back to Basics: The Power Politics Behind Sino–Japanese Identity Politics", ASIEN 141 (Oktober 2016): 8-31.
This article argues that the assertive Chinese and Japanese foreign and security stances of the Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzō administrations have resulted in a government-led renaissance of their respective identity politics, one qualified by top-down, adversarial nationalism. Aided by the nation-state’s communication firepower, the two governments have instrumentally insisted upon antagonistic discourses — with domestic and foreign audiences in mind. This article does not deny the many bottom-up sources of Chinese and Japanese nationalism already discovered by constructivist scholars, but...
Modernisierungsprozesse in Japan
Die Herausgeberinnen plädieren mit dem vorliegenden Band für ein umfassendes Verständnis der Modernisierung Japans. Wir sprechen gar von Modernisierungsprozessen und möchten damit zweierlei betonen: Erstens, die Modernisierung Japans war nicht mit dem Ende der Meiji-Zeit abgeschlossen. Es handelt sich vielmehr um einen bis heute andauernden, höchst dynamischen Prozess, der sich nicht ausschließlich an einem etwaigen "westlichen" Vorbild orientiert. Zweitens gehen wir davon aus, dass Japans Modernisierung bislang drei Phasen durchlief, welche zudem Hand in Hand gingen mit Prozessen von...
Rethinking the Core-Periphery Model: Evidence from Japanese and English
The two main accounts of lexical exceptions to phonological generalizations are 1) indexing exceptions to phonological processes and 2) directly encoding them in the lexicon (Guy 2007). The first approach is taken by It^o and Mester (1999, henceforth I&M) in their Core-Periphery (CP) model of OT, which groups lexical items of similar age/origin into hierarchical strata characterized by dierent rankings of Faith. However, based on historical data from Japanese and English, I show that lexically encoding the results of earlier phonological processes no longer active in the language avoids...
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