The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


The World of 2018 上

2018-01-01 02:42:51 | 世界経済

 Happy New Year !!    
Steave Bannon who was the Senior Counselor to the President said " Washington flourished , but the people did not share in its wealth ."
By the way , Washington is 、
1, enterpriser
2, financial institution
3, politician group
4, military industrial complex

They moved their factories to the developing countries that the cost of worker was cheaper than those of America , and they succceded in getting a big money .
But the people of America lost the factories and their jobs.

Suddenly , President dismissed S.Bannon who had aggressive opinions to the members of Washington .
It may be that he wanted to make reconcile with Washigton .

 「きれいごとのオバマより 話しがわかる」
 「この大統領は 大バケするかもしれない」  

 " While they celebrated in our nation capital , there was little to celebrate for struggle families all across our land , but that all changed right here and right now , because this moment is your moment . it belongs to you ."  

 「ワシントンの支配クラスが 祝杯を上げている時 わたしたちの仲間は生活に苦しんでいたのです 工場は閉鎖され 仕事は無くなった」
 「しかし これらのすべてが 今日から変わるんです」
 「この瞬間は あなたたちのものであり あなたたちは 今を所有しているからです」     
 「ここから 出発しようではないか」
