喝! ~since 2005~

I returned to hometown today because I'd been to Maebashi to lecture some softwares for clients. As I say Maebashi, it took 20 minutes to go from station to seminar place by bus. Recently I'd been several places around Kanto area to lecture for clients.

In fact, it was hard day because I got down with cough from last week. But once I stood at platform and started explaining some softwares, I forget that I feel sick. Originally it was not a problem for me to speak in public but due to many lecture, I became to get accoustomed to speak in business situation.

I felt sick a little again on my way home. I waited for my mother around half and an hour at Udon shop with studying book keeping. Well, this environment that I can return my hometown is good for me. I stayed at my home as it is, and commuted to my company from hometown.

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