Today, my peer's farewell party was held. One of my peers quitted her job within this term, and some of them will be transfered to another branchs at this April.
Come to think of it, recently I didn't take part in driking with my peers, however I often went drinking with each of them. Once I heard some of my peers quited a job and will be transfered to another place, I think I wish I had gone drinking with them more times. Even though my peer quit the company, her next office is in Tokyo and peers who will be transfered will come back in 2 years! So it's not we can't meet them forever. We gave many presents to them at drinking party, and I think they enjoyed last drinking with peers.
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Today, I held SHOUT which is circle which I made when I was at university student. As I told sometimes, I informed SHOUT on the mixi and this time new member came to SHOUT!
Of course we loved music and singing, but new member was specially strong
this habit. We could realize his heart to singing. For this reason, we sang hottly as usual for 5 hours, and after that we went to UenoPark for seeing cherry blossoms.
When I came to Ueno station in the afternoon, there were full of people in
the street! I had never seen the scene Ueno was such crowded... As the same, it was crowded in the park at night. But the place we can sit and take it easy to see a cherry blossom was there. Sadly, we didn't have seats, so we went drinking. Drinking shop was crowded too, we waited for 15 minutes.
As usual, the luck of plan stood out, but we enjoyed singing and drinking
with old friend and new member in this time too.
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tayed up late last night so today I wake up at 11:00. I have a plan to
eat Korean food in Tokyo with my friend. Because we promised we'll meet 11:30, I realized I definitely can't make it. I called my friend about my delay immidiately but one of my friend even forgot the time of meeting! So we supposed to meet at 13:00 in front of Mizuho Bank at Shinjyuku. I don't know whether I was lucky or not.
In Korean food's house I could see what I know. I ordered karubi Bibinba
which is added 5 slices of beef on the Bibinba. It's been a while for me to eat Bibinba! It was delicious.
During out eating, we could see the group of people who put their red umbrellas up. It was interesting so I took a picture.
After eating, we went to cafe. As a usual we talked there around 2 hours. When I arrived at home, it was 11:00 which don't change if I worked.
I was tired today.
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I supposed to go planetarium today. I really like a planetarium, so I couldn't wait to go there. Today, I heard it is on the top of library. Why is planetarium on the library? I think...
The library was located near the YUKI station in Ibaraki. When I went to
the library, I recognized there wasn't a planetarium but astronomical telescope. There were an old man and a huge astronomical telescope! The old man said that you could see Mars from astronomical telescope. Because I had never seen Mars on my own eyes, I looked through lens with exciting.
Umm... exactly I could see something but I couldn't understand it is
Mars.(refer to following picture)

If you come to here another season, you could see Saturn from this
telescope. I don't know how large saturn can be seen, because even Mars close to Earth can be seen such small. At any rate I watched the very Mars with my own eyes!
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Today, my kouhai's farewell party was held at Okachimachi. I hadn't met my kouhai since I graduated from university, so It was the very 2 years I hadn't met them. It was like a reunion party about my grade. Actually I didn't join my grade's reunion party for a while, so I enjoyed I met my old friends there.
Including my senpais, more than 15 people were gathered. I try to join to reunion party from now if I can!
The picture on the above is a senery of Ueno which I took on the way home. Farewell parties are increasing on this term...
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Until yesterday, the Internet service was stopped by not paying money to provider. The reason this thing happened was I changed my bank account.
So the Internet service bill couldn't charge directly to my bank account. The same thing happened last month. It seemed I should do credit transfer immidiately.
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Today I came across to interesting coincidence. When I went to park by car, I saw a series of the same kind of three cars were stopped at the parking area.
I think it was very low probability that the same three cars adjoined. The last person who stop his car there was did it deliberately.
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I made a cake today. Tke kind of cake is crape cake which you can find at cake shop and sushi restarurant. In case I bake cake from the scratch, it'll take much time. So I choose crape cake which don't need baking. Though I had never made crape cake, I think it'll be easy.
I prepared for a box of crape's flour, two eggs, a cup of milk, a bunch of banana, 9 peace of strawberry, a clock of chocolate, and raw cream. Cooking went well considering it's been a while for me to make cake. I became happy because my skill don't deprove though I rarely cooked recently.
Eventually crape cake was delicious. It seemed that my cake got good reputation. Next time, I want to make cheese cake or something.
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I feel the wind was gradually warming this few days. Although I always didn't wear a coat when I went to company, either way I no longer need a coat! When I find myself, the season of graduation is coming and I finally become second-year worker. I take a whim to recall what I did and what I think last year.
I think if I can be back last year what I do? I really have enormous time last year... Now although I have few time to use for myself, I realize time management skill is improving.
Well, where do I go for seeing cherry blossoms this year?
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Do you know Kairakuen? Kairakuen is known for one of the famous sightseeing site for plum blossoms and cherry blossoms. It is called three big site(en) of Japan too.
I pay a visit there three years in succession. In the last time visiting, it was so early that I couldn't enjoy the blossoms. This time, I think it was good timing for seeing blossoms. Additionally, plum festival and the play of geisha girl were held there so it seemed the liveliest than I'v ever seen. I ate "umezukushi lunch" there.

The weather was perfect and blossoms was gorgrous. I enjoyed seeing them!
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