喝! ~since 2005~



9月6日  QC検定4級
9月13日 FP2級
10月7日 販売士検定2級









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I won a strawberry jam today. In fact I dropped in a bakery at Ueno station one day for lunch and I found a prize contest there. The contents of prize contest was that the large bread was put in front of shop and everyone presumes weight of bread without touching that and write the weight in an application form. That bread couldn't help saying large for sure but I think it is after all bread. So I wrote 1574 gram in an application form and apply then.

Today shopper called me I won the prize of that prize contest. I totally forgot that prize then but I managed to recall and I recieve the prize on the way home. The prize was a strawberry jam pod. Though it was not a great prize, I rarely win such a prize so I really happy today. Is it an omen many happiness come to me from now on??

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I afflicted sleepiness after work recently. I have to study more because I have the exam of business marketing next week! But I couldn't stand the
bed's temtation.

Even if I drunk some coffee before learning, my eyes became heavier and heavier soon. Therefore I tried to take short sleep and I refresh my brain, then I study hard, I think.

But once I went to bed, next time I woke up was in the morning. Was this caused by my age? I definetely felt my sleepiness was strong than what I was.

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I had been studying for maeketing business exam for a month. I tried to check the past exams but I think this exam asks fine parts in textbook. So I recognized I should memorize the length and breadth of textbook!

Fortunatelly almost all of the questions were made by textbook. There are a lot of questions that I should make up the defict. So I spent time for
memorizing the textbook. Maybe my preparation will make it until the day of the exam!

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I went to gym in Ashikaga today with my father. My father often go there after work around this couples of year and successed the diet wonderfully.

In this few days, I ate large amount of food so I became to worry about my weight. And because I had much time today, I decided to exercise.

There was not enough machine in Ashikaga's gym but it was really cheap because it belongs to city. I used the utility only 300 yen! Because I rarely did execise recently, I exhausted soon with much sweat. By the way there is a table tennis court in neighberhood of gym. I urged to play table tennis and I suggested my father to play table tennis.

In fact, my father belonged to table tennis club in junior high school. Before I started table tennis from fifth grade in foundamently school, I couldn't win my father with table tennis... But I would win my father now.

After some practicing, we started to play game. My father often hit the smath and I thought it was good. Eventually I won him by double score, but this was a exellent exercise than I thought!

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