* 野菜は季節の茸・エリンギ・チンゲンサイ・小松菜・もやし・白菜(湯通しした物)・ホウレン草・タケノコ・オクラなど。
* その他、海老のミンチ・ベーコン・鰹節・厚揚げ・豆腐・おから等も。
Dumplings with cabbage (30 pcs.)
①Chop 250g of cabbage and leave it with 1 small spoon of salt for about 10 minutes and squeeze the water thoroughly.
②Fry 1/2 chopped onion with 1 large spoon of salad oil and 1 small spoon of salt until candy brown, then place on a stir-fry plate with 100g minced pork and a little pepper.
③Add ① and② and add 50g shiitake mushrooms, 30g chopped chives, 1/2 soaked ginger, kombucha, a little pepper, 1 large spoon of soy sauce, 1 large spoon of potato starch, and 1 large spoon of sesame oil, knead until sticky, let it sit for about 30 minutes, and wrap it in the skin.
④Spread oil in a frying pan, arrange about 10 dumplings at equal intervals, add 1 cup of boiling water, cover and steam (about 5 minutes), and finally, sprinkle a little sesame oil between the dumplings to make crispy dumplings.
* Vegetables include seasonal mushrooms, eringi, bok choy, komatsuna, bean sprouts, Chinese cabbage (blanched), spinach, bamboo shoots, okra, etc.
* In addition, minced shrimp, bacon, bonito flakes, atsuage, tofu, okara, etc.
* Sauce blending
Two tablespoons of vinegar (soy sauce; Vinegar = 1;1), a little grated garlic, a few drops of chili oil.