①ルバーブの葉柄を水洗いし、傷や葉柄の茶色になった堅い部分を取り除く。 *葉は食べない。
③鍋に②を入れ 弱火で、焦げ付かないようにヘラでよくかき混ぜる。
How to make rhubarb jam
The other day I got rhubarb from my friends in the field and ate it as salad or jam. The taste is sweet and sour like a weased. Other dishes are raw food , candied , zeri, and cha-bet . Jam is also delicious when mixed with bread or ice cream yogurt .
①Wash the petiles of the rhubarb with water and remove any wounds or hard areas of the petiles that have become brown.
Do not eat leaves.
②Cut 500g petiles into 1-2cm, 150ml wine, 10 0g sugar and 2-3 slices of sliced It is .
③Put② in a saucepan and stir well with a spatula over low heat to avoid
④When completely melted, simmer appropriately, cool and store in the refrigerator.