The following one
be on the field ミ
F1 グロージャン インタビュー 抜粋
How would you rate the first half of the season, from 1-10?

Eight – for the team and myself also. We've done an amazing start of the year. There are always things you can improve; we had too many front wing failures, and there were races where we could have scored but we lost them. In terms of driving, there are always things you can improve, or do better. That's why it's eight. But I think we are above average. We've surprised a lot of people. Sitting eighth in the Constructors' Championship is amazing
Eight – for the team and myself also.
8位ーチームにとっても 僕自身にとっても。
We've done an amazing start of the year.
僕らは 驚くべき 1年のスタートをきった。
There are always things
you can improve;
改善できる事は いつも あるんだよ。
thingsの内容はyou can improve→改善できる事
we had too many front wing failures,
僕らは フロント ウイングに かなりたくさんの欠点をかかえていて、
there were races
where we could have scored
we lost them.
ポイントを稼げたけれど それを失ったレース が あったんだ。
races の内容はwhere以下に記載。
In terms of driving,
there are always things
you can improve,
do better.
改善できたり もっと上手くやれた事がいつもあったんだ。
thingsの内容はyou can以下に記載→改善できたり もっと上手くやれた事
In terms of →~の面では
That's why it's eight.
それが なぜ8位かのりゆうなんだ
I think we are above average.
We've surprised a lot of people.
僕らは たくさんの人を驚かせた。
a lot of →たくさんの~
Sitting eighth in the Constructors' Championship
is amazing
Constructors' Championship →チーム別のランキング