
アロンソ インタビュー 抜粋

"It's probably the best team I've been with in my career.

"We are not competitive because we have a lot of problems to solve from last year, we weren't ready to compete at this level.

 We had to make sure the reliability was in place, power, driveability, aerodynamics.

Everything had to change a lot and we had find a direction.

"In terms of the team, the structure, the organisation, this is the best group that I've been working with."


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"It's probably the best team

             I've been with in my career.

たぶん 僕のキャリアで今まで居たなかでは 最高のちーむだよ。

teamの詳しい説明はI've~ 以下に表記




"We are not competitive

僕らは 競争できる状態じゃないんだ

     not competitive コンティティブではない 理由はbecause以下に記載

  because we have a lot of problems to solve from last year,

  去年から解決しなければならない たくさんの問題を抱えているからね

                   a lot of →たくさんの

                   to solve →解決するべき

       we weren't ready to compete at this level.


               to compete →競争するための


 We had to make sure the reliability was in place, power, driveability, aerodynamics.

ぼくらは 信頼性 出力 操縦性 や 空力がどのれべるにあるか 

                確認しなければ ならなかったんだ。

               make sure → 確認する



Everything had to change a lot

すべてのことを 大きく変えなければならなかったし


 we had find a direction.

(進むべき)方向性も見つけなけれんば ならなかったんだ。



"In terms of the team, the structure, the organisation,

チーム 施設 組織の面では

              In terms of→ ~の面では


this is the best group

          that I've been working with."

(今まで)一緒に働いてきたなかでは ベストのグループだよ。

        group どんなグループかはthatいかに記載

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