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F1 モナコ バトン 木曜コメント抜粋
“I think you’ve always got to think points are possible if you can finish the race,” said Button, who confessed to feeling like a rookie at times on Thursday rather than the most experienced driver in the pit lane.
The 2017 cars are several seconds a lap quicker this year, with fatter tyres and revised aerodynamics allowing drivers to take some corners flat out.
“You can brake a lot later. The problem for me is that I don’t have the confidence yet,” said Button, who left the sport at the end of last season after 17 years of grand prix racing.
“I arrive at the corners and I still think of the last seven years. That for me is the biggest difficulty,” he said.
“It’s mad driving around here in these cars. Tabac is unbelievably quick and you are arriving at the second part of the Swimming Pool super fast and it’s very enjoyable. A lot more than the last few years.
“I’m enjoying it very much, probably more than I thought I would actually.”
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“I think
you’ve always got to think points are possible if you can finish the race,”
ポイント獲得は可能だって いつも思ってるよ このレースに完走できればね、
said Button
,who confessed to feeling like a rookie at times on Thursday
rather than the most experienced driver in the pit lane.
ピットレーンで 最も経験のあるドライバーであるというより
木曜の この瞬間では ルーキーであるような 感じがすると 彼は 白状したのだが。
The 2017 cars are several seconds a lap quicker this year
2017年のマシンは 1ラップにつき 何秒か速い
,with fatter tyres
revised aerodynamics allowing drivers to take some corners flat out.
改訂された空力によって ドライバーは いくつかのコーナーで全開で行けるためだ。
“You can brake a lot later.
The problem for me
is that I don’t have the confidence yet,”
まだ 自信を持てない ことなんだ
said Button,
who left the sport at the end of last season after 17 years of grand prix racing.
17年のグランプリ レーシングの後
彼は 昨シーズンの終わりに このスポーツから去ったのだが。
“I arrive at the corners
I still think of the last seven years.
依然として 過去7年の事を 考えてしまうんだ。
That for me
僕にとって そのことは
is the biggest difficulty,” he said.
最大級の困難なんだ と彼は語った。
“It’s mad driving around here in these cars.
狂気のドライビングだよ ここで これらのマシンで(走るのは)ね。
Tabac is unbelievably quick
タバコ(コーナー) は 信じられない速さだよ
you are arriving at the second part of the Swimming Pool super fast
プールの2個めの部分(出口のコーナー)では とんでもない速さで 到達するんだ
it’s very enjoyable.
それは とっても 楽しいんだけどね。
A lot more than the last few years.
過去何年間よりも ずっとね。
“I’m enjoying it very much,
それを ホントに楽しんでるんだ
probably more than I thought I would actually.”
たぶん 僕が思ってたよりもね。