The following one
be on the field ミ
F1 ベッテル フェラーリ離脱
今シーズンをもって 所属のフェラーリを離脱することを発表した
"My relationship with Scuderia Ferrari will finish at the end of 2020,” said Vettel. “In order to get the best possible results in this sport, it’s vital for all parties to work in perfect harmony.
“The team and I have realised that there is no longer a common desire to stay together beyond the end of this season. Financial matters have played no part in this joint decision.
↓ ↓
誤訳は ご容赦を。
"My relationship with Scuderia Ferrari
will finish at the end of 2020,”
said Vettel.
“In order to get the best possible results
in this sport,
ベストな結果を出せるように するためには
it’s vital for all parties to work in perfect harmony.
不可欠なんだ 全ての人が 完璧に調和して働く事がね。
“The team and I have realised
チームと 僕は 解ったんだ
that there is no longer a common desire to stay together
beyond the end of this season.
もはや一緒に居るための共通の志が無い って事をね。
Financial matters have played no part in this joint decision.
金銭的理由では 無いんだよ このチームとの決定はね。