
F1  オコン    マックスとの最初のバトル

ルノーF1チームに所属するエスティバン・オコンの フェルスタッペンとの



I eventually progressed my karting career into bigger European and World races. I think the first time I raced with Max Verstappen was in 2010. It was a tough year for me transitioning into international racing. Karting is very tough anyway. I was alone with my dad pretty much fighting the big teams.
Max and I were always quite close on track and sometimes it came too close! In 2011 we were fighting for the 2011 world series championship and he won in the end.
I remember a race in Italy I came out on top, but me and him were a long way ahead of the rest. It was a rivalry which started then.

↓           ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。



I eventually    progressed     my karting career

僕は最終的には 前へすすんだんだ 自分のカーートのキャリアをね

                  into bigger European and World races.




I think     the first time I raced with Max Verstappen  was in 2010.

僕は思うんだ  マックスとの初めてのレースは      2010年だった ってね。


    **Max Verstappen:マックス・フェルスタッペン(蘭)

               ’19年 世界ランク3位


It was a tough year   for me     transitioning into international racing.

大変な年だったよ  僕にとってはね 国際レースへ挑戦したのでね 。

Karting  is very tough     anyway.

カートは とっても大変だよ いずれにしてもね。



I was alone with my dad   pretty much fighting the big teams.

僕は父と2人きりで    かなり大きなチームと戦ったんだ。

Max and I were  always  quite close       on track

マックスと僕は  いつも かなり接近してたよ コース上でね



sometimes it came too close!

時には  近づきすぎたけどね!



In 2011


we were fighting   for the 2011 world series championship

僕達は戦ったんだ  2011年のシリーズチャンピオンを賭けてね



he won          in the end.

マックスが勝ったんだよ 最終的にはね。


I remember   a race in Italy I came out on top,

思い出すよ   イタリアで僕がトップに躍り出たレースを。


me and him   were a long way ahead of the rest.

僕とマックスは   他のライバルより 遥かに前を走ってたんだけどね。


It was a rivalry which started then.




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