Thank you for your mail and sorry for this late reply.
Still working hard and do not have much time recently.
Since some months ago I'm really disappointed about the AKB48 T__T.
I was not really happy about the participation of Rie in the tv program "Terrace House", scared me that something bad could happe to my oshimen.
Then this month again a new scandal with the exit of Masuda Yuka.
I think that AKB was a great group as it was when I first came in Japan in 2008.
For sure they did really great single after Oogoe Diamond like RIVER, Ponytail to shushu, Everyday ka, Ue kara Mariko....etc..great stage, great concert..
But it became more and more famous, got more and more money..maybe too much.. then Aki-P started to shuffle the group a lot.. 2 times..then 1 time again this year...
In fact I think they reached the Top level with every time big success that's why it's hard now for the group to keep this position,
it's hard for the members to support this pressure on their shoulders. Most of the girls are maybe tired of the AKB48 and want to leave the group for starting an other activity such as actress, model or whatever...
The most famous member of the group think they gave what they could give to the fan and that's time to turn the page of the AKB.... and the yet unknown members or kenkyusei want to grow up in the AKB Idol business plan, that's why Aki-p can still continue this 48 project..until a new generation is coming and that people are coming for cheering them , it'll work!
I just hoped that the older members had more respect for their fan.
They can leave the group if they want it by a graduation ceremony with dignity but not by a scandal on a news paper.
Many fan gave a lot of money and time of their life for shaking the hands of their oshimen,
I'm thinking about Yuka's fan..some maybe can forgive her but I think there's also some who can not accept it easily..she excused on her blog but it doesn't repair the error she did.
So as I explained before I think that the over popularity of the group lead him to the actual situation with many scandals coming out and members leaving the group.
AKB48 will lost in popularity with time and one day it will come to an end.
For the good of the group I hope they will change of direction and restart like a simple Idol group they was at their debut..too much business kill the meaning of AKB48 "The idol you can meet".
AKB48 is still important for me but recently the little bit hurt me.
simple Idol group→アイドルらしい純粋なアイドルグループ
a graduation ceremony with dignity (直訳:威厳をもって卒業式)→胸を張って卒業式で送られること。
アイドルグループ「AKB48」の北原里英が映画初主演を務め、負ければ死が待ち受ける不条理なゲームに参加させられた高校生たちの姿を描くサバイバルサスペンス。県立の進学校に通う高校3年生の赤沢千夏は、3年生全員が参加する合宿の初日に、担任からクラス全員でトランプの「ババ抜き」をすると発表される。しかしその合宿は、日本政府が全国の児童・生徒の学力低下に歯止めをかけるために施行した「義務教育延長法」の下、「人間力」を高めるために導入するゲームの実験の場だった。劇団「デス電所」主催の劇作家・竹内佑がオリジナル脚本を執筆。ガールズユニット「bump.y」の高月彩良、「Tomato n'Pine」の小池唯らフレッシュな共演陣がそろう。
Thank you for your mail and sorry for this late reply.
Still working hard and do not have much time recently.
Since some months ago I'm really disappointed about the AKB48 T__T.
I was not really happy about the participation of Rie in the tv program "Terrace House", scared me that something bad could happe to my oshimen.
Then this month again a new scandal with the exit of Masuda Yuka.
I think that AKB was a great group as it was when I first came in Japan in 2008.
For sure they did really great single after Oogoe Diamond like RIVER, Ponytail to shushu, Everyday ka, Ue kara Mariko....etc..great stage, great concert..
But it became more and more famous, got more and more money..maybe too much.. then Aki-P started to shuffle the group a lot.. 2 times..then 1 time again this year...
In fact I think they reached the Top level with every time big success that's why it's hard now for the group to keep this position,
it's hard for the members to support this pressure on their shoulders. Most of the girls are maybe tired of the AKB48 and want to leave the group for starting an other activity such as actress, model or whatever...
The most famous member of the group think they gave what they could give to the fan and that's time to turn the page of the AKB.... and the yet unknown members or kenkyusei want to grow up in the AKB Idol business plan, that's why Aki-p can still continue this 48 project..until a new generation is coming and that people are coming for cheering them , it'll work!
I just hoped that the older members had more respect for their fan.
They can leave the group if they want it by a graduation ceremony with dignity but not by a scandal on a news paper.
Many fan gave a lot of money and time of their life for shaking the hands of their oshimen,
I'm thinking about Yuka's fan..some maybe can forgive her but I think there's also some who can not accept it easily..she excused on her blog but it doesn't repair the error she did.
So as I explained before I think that the over popularity of the group lead him to the actual situation with many scandals coming out and members leaving the group.
AKB48 will lost in popularity with time and one day it will come to an end.
For the good of the group I hope they will change of direction and restart like a simple Idol group they was at their debut..too much business kill the meaning of AKB48 "The idol you can meet".
AKB48 is still important for me but recently the little bit hurt me.
simple Idol group→アイドルらしい純粋なアイドルグループ
a graduation ceremony with dignity (直訳:威厳をもって卒業式)→胸を張って卒業式で送られること。
アイドルグループ「AKB48」の北原里英が映画初主演を務め、負ければ死が待ち受ける不条理なゲームに参加させられた高校生たちの姿を描くサバイバルサスペンス。県立の進学校に通う高校3年生の赤沢千夏は、3年生全員が参加する合宿の初日に、担任からクラス全員でトランプの「ババ抜き」をすると発表される。しかしその合宿は、日本政府が全国の児童・生徒の学力低下に歯止めをかけるために施行した「義務教育延長法」の下、「人間力」を高めるために導入するゲームの実験の場だった。劇団「デス電所」主催の劇作家・竹内佑がオリジナル脚本を執筆。ガールズユニット「bump.y」の高月彩良、「Tomato n'Pine」の小池唯らフレッシュな共演陣がそろう。
I've always felt the group worked best when there is a regular cycle of girls. We talked about this back in March 2011, when we met in Akihabara. The last girl to leave the group with grace (dignity?) was probably Ono Erena, who had over 3 months to say goodbye to her fans since it was announced that she will leave. After that, for some reason, the management of AKB48 started to really hold onto a strong 鉄板 top-members line-up.
2011 was a horrible year for true fans of AKB because everyone knew that Acchan and Yuko were getting tired: You can tell from the dramas they were in, that the media business overall had a bad effect on their character. The creation of Team 4 was doomed from the beginning, and there was no creation of Team 5 or 8. The regular TV shows that they were in became stale: Shukan AKB became a series of interviews and personal challenges, much like Nemousu AKB (I did not know which was which at one point). Gachi-Gase was really, really stupid because there were always transvestites (おネエ?), which did not help AKB's media image. 清純さVS不清純さ?意味が分からない。
I believe the March 11 Earthquake had a lot to do in the matter. The management could not afford to shuffle the teams or let older members go because they were the ones guaranteed to be good for business. In a time when Japanese people were losing faith in the economy and in the government, what else could they believe in if not that they will see their favorite girls stay where they are?
But people move on. As a fan, I felt that many AKB members wanted to leave. Acchan's eyes looked so tired, but she had to stay to keep the group in tact. Plus, she lost to Oshima in 2010, so the stupid fans wanted to have revenge. They got their revenge with the best selling single, Everyday Kachusha.
Now comes the end of 2011, and no one graduated. The management and the fans looked elsewhere. This is when there was a huge boom of NMB48 and SKE48, when Tokyo AKB fans switched their eyes to view the BIG Akimoto Yasushi group as one thing, picking their Oshimen from each of the sister groups. (By the way, this is what I have done since the creation of SKE48, because I knew each group had great girls with great personalities)
The AKB management realized it too, and keep on putting members outside of AKB in the AKB events. But the biggest question is: Who will graduate in 2012? The fans were waiting.
I don't think long-time fans of AKB were surprised at Acchan's "surprise" 卒業 announcement on March 25. In fact, I don't think people would have been too shocked if they announced the graduation of Oshima Yuuko too, but guess what, the newer fans would not allow them.
"I haven't had enough time looking at Yuko!" They would say. They could say the same for Acchan, because they've only followed the group since Everyday, Kachuusha.
But for Acchan and Yuko, they've been here for 6 years. SIX YEARS under the name of AKB, SIX YEARS of going everywhere and have to explain that they are a part of a big collective of girls. Their names do not come before the group's name. They must feel a bit frustrated.
Nope, the management decided. It was too much shock to take both of their stars away. So they kept Yuko, who is older than Acchan and wasn't offering anything to TV than her laughing on variety shows. Then, the management put on one more 選抜総選挙, just to prove to themselves a point: Hey, we can still make money after Acchan is gone.
Well, they have, but without competition, Oshima won with only 100,000 votes, less than what she got from 2011 senbatsu. It was a pity award. No one doubted that she would win. Did she feel good? If I were her, I would be 苦笑い。
So this is where we stand. I don't regularly check AKB music or TV shows anymore because they do not offer me anything new or explore the girl's personalities. They simply reinforce what we already know about them. In Sashihara's case, it was something new! Who knew the shy girl was actually aggressive? That's why her image exceeded that of AKB, and out of the prison that confines most girls.
Recently, I was happy to discover that Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku is back, and the 14期生 are very great girls. But how will they climb out of the 封印 of AKB? That is the question.
When you have time, let's hang out online. I have skype.
P.S. My favorite girl, Yagami Kumi from SKE, is graduating, but I am happy for her.