1. 荷物はコインロッカーに預けること
2. 切符の番号に並ぶこと、(遠方なので、200番台、廊下に並ばせました)
3. 劇場には抽選の前に入るが、席は決まっているので、中央ブロック最後列に座ること。
さて、公演が終わってから、フランス人のお客さん、飲みに誘って、Little TGV(鉄道風メイドカフェ)に連れて行きました。(TGVはフランスの新幹線なので)
研究生公演では、little girlが一番可愛かったと。公演の後で、廊下の写真を見せて、その日の出演者を指差して教えてあげた。
IPODで、お互いに、曲と写真を見せ合った。最近の私は、AKB48以外のアイドルは熱心に見ていないので(見る時間が物理的にとれないので)、ハロプロについては、ベンジャミン君の方が詳しかった。 フランスでYouTubeを熱心に見ているとのこと。
最後に、私が、14年前、フランスの有名は映画監督 Jean-Jacques Beineix(ジャン=ジャック・ベネックス)が、日本のotakuをテーマに、フランスのテレビ番組を作った時(1994年)にインタビューされたことを教えてあげた。一人目のアイドル好きフランス人とはこの監督。
8月16日のブログで、管理人が、キャンセル待ちで切符を買ったのにモニターで見た人の話を書かれていましたが、初めてシアターに来て日本語が分からなければ、公演を見ることは難しいでしょうね。AKB48ファンとして、遠来のお客さんに無事 ステージを見ていただいて、何よりです。私も、最初は、分からないことがたくさん あり、周りの人に教えてもらいましたから、情けは人のためならず。
Benjamin’s favorite is Little Girl SARA FUJIMOTO
On 14/Aug/2008 I was waiting in the queue at AKB48 Theater to buy a ticket.
One young Western guy was trying to buy a ticket. He had difficulties to communicate with the ticket office and he could not buy one since he had not made application by e-mail. I tried to help him to buy ticket and help the office as a translator. He was lucky to get one ticket as one of the Outside Tokyo Suburb Ticket was cancelled. Without application, he did not have a right to buy cancelled ticket. However the ticket office was so kind to him since they knew he is not living in Japan and came to the theater from France ( far away from Akihabara).
I explained to him about the system and rule of the theater.
1. No bags inside the theater. Put them into the coin-locker.
2. Line on the queue at the number written on the ticket.
3. Your seat is the Outside Tokyo Suburb Ticket which is designated, last aisle of center block.
Both he and the ticket office appreciated for my help.
After the concert, I invited him for dinner. We went to maid pub “Little TGV” since he is French and TGV is French Shinkan-sen.
I have been collecting articles on newspaper about Japanese idol singer as a culture and have read a lot which introduce that in France Japanese animation character and idol singer is popular. However this is the first time for me to personally meet with such a French otaku.
His name is Benjamin.
He is twenty years old and on the two-week trip to Japan.
He does not like French music. He likes Japanese music and culture.
He went to Shinjuku-Koma-Gekijo to see Morning Musume’s musical “Cinderella”.
His favorite is Miki Fujimoto, former Morning Musume. I told him I saw her concert before she joined Morning Musume. He was so jealous.
He knows Hello Project idols better than I. He watches a lot of Japanese idol singers by Youtube in France.
I told him that 14 years ago I was interviewed by famous French movie director Jean-Jacques Beineix, who made TV program on otaku in Japan in 1994.
I am happy that Benjamin could see AKB48, my favorite idol group.
Benjamin’s favorite at ABK48 concert is SARA FUJIMOTO, youngest and smallest AKB member, 11 years old. (bottomline, second from the right)
This blog is reported by ilovenacchan (it is a pen name)