国連ソマリア特使Nicholas HaysomはMukhtar Robowの出馬禁止令と、その反対デモに対する抑圧とに懸念を示し、ソマリア政府から拒否される:
BBC Somalia expels UN envoy Nicholas Haysom 2 January 2019
Nicholas Haysom氏は南アフリカ出身、その初めての黒人大統領ネルソン・マンデラの法的アドバイザーを勤めた人物。2018年8月に着任して数ヶ月で拒絶の憂き目である。。
「Nicholas Haysom was appointed to the post only a few months ago」
ソマリア政府外相Ahmed Isse Awad曰く「"Mr Haysom has violated diplomatic rules, and acted as though he is the head or the ruler of Somalia. He is a shame to the conduct of the UN and has violated the sovereignty and independence of Somalia," he told BBC Somali.」
BBC Somalia expels UN envoy Nicholas Haysom 2 January 2019
Nicholas Haysom氏は南アフリカ出身、その初めての黒人大統領ネルソン・マンデラの法的アドバイザーを勤めた人物。2018年8月に着任して数ヶ月で拒絶の憂き目である。。
「Nicholas Haysom was appointed to the post only a few months ago」
ソマリア政府外相Ahmed Isse Awad曰く「"Mr Haysom has violated diplomatic rules, and acted as though he is the head or the ruler of Somalia. He is a shame to the conduct of the UN and has violated the sovereignty and independence of Somalia," he told BBC Somali.」