


2023-06-17 18:43:49 | Newsメモ

BBC Massive Swiss rockfall stops short of evacuated village of Brienz 16 Jun 2023 By Imogen Foulkes


Millions of cubic metres of rock have thundered on to a tiny Swiss village, with huge boulders blocking roads - some landing within inches of houses.

The entire village of Brienz, population 70, was evacuated in mid-May, when geologists warned a massive rockfall was imminent.


Many Brienzers had expected they would to leave their homes temporarily, but were unhappy the evacuation order had come so suddenly. Days before the order came, they had been told to expect to move some time in late summer.

Instead, they were summoned to an emergency village meeting on 9 May and told they had 48 hours to leave.


As the glaciers shrink, and the permafrost high in the mountains begins to thaw, the rock becomes unstable.

In fact, the mountain above Brienz has no permafrost, but this spring's unusually heavy rain, also linked to global warming, was certainly a factor in the evacuation order. The mountainside, sodden with water, began to slip faster towards the valley.

BBC Swiss village of Brienz evacuated over risk of imminent rockslide 13 May 2023 By Imogen Foulkes & Charley Adams

BBC Swiss village of Brienz told to flee imminent monster rockslide 9 May 2023 By Imogen Foulkes

Residents of the tiny Swiss village of Brienz have been told to pack their bags and leave immediately.

The reason: two million cubic metres of rock from the mountain above them is set to come loose and crash down to the valley in the next few days.

The evacuation order has not come as a complete surprise to the remaining population of about 70 villagers.
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