


2025-02-05 23:49:20 | ナイジェリア事情

Five men have been sentenced to death by hanging in Nigeria's Kano state for the 2023 murder of a woman they accused of witchcraft.

The convicted men attacked Dahare Abubakar, 67, as she was working on her farm, beating and stabbing her to death.


BBC Five sentenced to death in Nigeria over 'witchcraft' murder 1 day ago

Mansur Abubakar


Ms Abubakar's family went to the authorities and the suspects were swiftly arrested in a village 45km (28 miles) from Kano - the largest city in northern Nigeria.

 なんというか、なんかあの婆、怪しいからやっちまおうぜ! 証拠はないけど確実だ! という…あまりに雑な、西洋の魔女裁判のほうが文明的過ぎる勢いで、なんぼなんでも田舎の蛮風はどーにかしたほうがいいんじゃね?という疑念を引き起こしたという。

The ones who make the claims without any proof believe that those they accuse are responsible for either a death of a family member, sickness or misfortune.

 なんて言いがかりだ、地球の果ての日本人め! いいか、うちの病気の妻はな、あの婆が刃物をもって追っかけてきたという夢をみたんだ! なんて恐ろしい! そんな邪法を使う魔女めを生かしておけるか! さあ話の分かる友人たちよ、あの婆を殺す連合を組もうぜ!

The court heard that the victim was murdered after the sick wife of one of the accused, Abdulaziz Yahaya, had a dream that she was being pursued by Ms Abubakar, who was holding a knife.

Yahaya then organised a group to confront Ms Abubakar, which resulted in her murder.


"There have been similar cases like this but this is the first time we are seeing up to five people sentenced to death for murder over wrongful witchcraft accusation," Mr Sorondiki told the BBC.

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