tetujin's blog


Fang of Deception

2022-05-15 18:43:08 | cinema

"Fang of deception". Once in an on-demand movie at a hotel on the road, on a rental DVD, and on the original book. It reminds me of a female editor of a magazine I met while traveling.

An attractive and witty editor fights to keep his magazine alive despite corporate plans to stop publication. Love everything that happened in this film. 
Vibe just right, mood was great, tension and build up was good.

i love how they pulled so many twist in the end of story also how convincing main cast was especially heroine (her subtle reaction make watching so much fun)

Fang of Deception (2020) Japanese Movie Trailer English Subtitles (騙し絵の牙 予告 英語字幕)

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Fukushima: A Nuclear Story

2022-05-12 22:29:46 | cinema




我々の世代は、政治を含めて自分の主張を抑圧された世代だ。学生運動が盛んだった上の世代の陰にいて、政治への無関心が支配した世代。政治への不満や抑圧された感情は意識の下に押し込められていた。だから、政治に対する話題など、これっぽっちもしたことなどなかった。考えようとしても、なにも感情が浮かばない。それが戦争であれ、大震災であれだ。考えようとするとボーっとした霧が頭の中に立ち込める。何も考えられない。それをPTSD / 心的外傷後ストレス障害と切り捨てるのは簡単だ。


Fukushima: A Nuclear Story - Official International Trailer - English HD

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When The Trees Fall (2018)

2022-05-11 22:53:33 | cinema

When the Trees Fall (Koly padayut dereva) is an energetic debut with the bold talent of 31-year-old Ukrainian writer and director Marysia Nikitiuk.

Ukrainian born in the 1990s. This is the first generation to grow up freely. In their daily lives, there are many dangers of not seeing the person characteristic of communism as a person. Fingering and violence....
Of course, just as the world of yakuza is not everyday in Japan, violence does not dominate every day in Ukraine.

They seriously want Whitehorse to take them to a new world of peace.

Just as the daily lives of democrat world are cultivated by the common sense of individuals, that of Ukraine is protected by people of generations before the 90's. Ukraine will also continue their daily routine in search of new and mediocre days.


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The Man Putin Couldnt Kill (botched assassination)

2022-04-25 22:48:22 | cinema

He just said, "If we want to kill people, we do it properly." he did not even try to argue that "We don't kill people."

There is a long list of victims.

Journalist Anna Politkovskaya, shot on her doorstep.

Whistle-blower Sergei Magnitsky, dead after a beating in prison.

Defector Alexander Litvinenko, poisoned in London with polonium-210,
served to him in a cup of tea.

Politician Sergei Yushenkov, shot dead near his house.

And there are many more who have perished suddenly.

Major political change usually comes suddenly and unexpectedly .

The downside of communism is political corruption. To protect the country is replaced to protect a specific individual.

The most repressive and horrific totalitarian systems in the history of humanity will go down in near future.
The only thing we know is that it will - because nothing is forever.

The Man Putin Couldn't Kill | Trailer | BBC Select

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The Hunt for Red October

2022-04-14 22:02:17 | cinema

Today, A Russian submerged submarine has fires cruise missile from Sea of Japan in test. The dispute has prevented the two countries from signing a formal peace treaty.

During 1989 and 1990, the Berlin Wall came down, borders opened, and free elections ousted Communist regimes everywhere in eastern Europe. In late 1991 the Soviet Union itself dissolved into its component republics.
This movie is set in the period of the cild war.
hydroelectric power plants, superconducting electromagnetic thrust ship. ...When I was involved in the development of superconductors, I had no idea how to apply it to military equipment.

An era of cold war, when violence dominated. A world of only men. I dreamed that Japan could lead the world to peace. 
Times have moved. I sincerely hope that the success of women will create a new peaceful era.

The Hunt for Red October Trailer

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