tetujin's blog


beautiful Ne-chan

2022-07-22 22:47:13 | 日記

I've run out of topics, so I have LINE with a diver I knew for scary stories. Somehow, the answer was conserning to the wrong destination! Something like as follows...

from Managing Director 
"Huh? What are you talking about?"

has been Read 
"Sorry. I made a mistake in the sending destination ..."

from Managing Director 
"I was having trouble replying because I didn't know what it was. I'm glad to know you made a mistake."

What on earth was he had sent the LINE? Moreover, He was upset and sent something like "... (´д ` || i) damn". .. .. It seems that the wrong LINE was spiraled over.

Under such circumstances, the only thing that made me terrified was that when I accessed the official LINE of the bar that had just closed, I received an time service ticket (drink free).・ ・ ・Ticket's expiration date is tomorrow. I was wondering whether I shall go to check it out or not.
I wonder if raccoon dogs have send LINE to me? I wonder if the raccoon dog turns into a beautiful Ne-chan (nice body girl) and makes a drink. .. ..

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