tetujin's blog


Limit of force comparison

2022-07-09 20:16:09 | bad news

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was attacked, and NHK and commercial broadcasters were immediately in the press. Television stations use the videos taken by the general public with smart phone. As a result, definitive video will be used. I don't watch those images because I don't watch TV, but NHK news seems to have aired a video of being shot by a gun and lying bloody. Then, there was a flood of complaint calls, and the video seems to have stopped flowing after that.

It's clearly overkill. The video with a loud gunshot was projected over and over again. Didn't the people involved think about how the vividness of the sound would affect the viewers? There is a great deal of lack of decency, such as continuing to play old war movies forever, which was called a historical drama that airs from 20:00 on Sunday.

NHK should once again think about what good coverage is. Leave the vivid and shocking coverage to the third-rate media aiming for audience ratings. A lot of violent images and sounds. At least it's not something that professionals who take money from viewers should do.

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