tetujin's blog


The Next 'Great Dying' Is Coming for Seafood

2022-04-29 22:38:05 | bad news

A new report in the journal Science finds that if climate change isn’t curbed, we stand to lose so much biodiversity in the world’s oceans that it will rival a massive marine die-off  more than two-thirds of the species in the oceans at the time. The sea dies due to diminished diversity.

We have emitted 2,400 billion tons of carbon dioxide. To stay below 1.5 degrees, we must emit less than 300 billion tons more.
If we continue to emit 40 billion tons each year, our budget will run out within seven years. Of course, we cannot shut down all energy utilities in the world overnight, so the only orderly way to do this is to bend the global curve of emissions now, because that's what all science shows.

Now is the last chance we have to bend the global curve. What is the most rapid pace of emission reduction that we can accomplish? Well, there's no study that suggests that we can go faster than 6, 7% per year, because 6, 7% per year, that is cutting by half in a decade. Cutting our emissions in half every decade is an exponential rate of change.

Anyone can adopt this pace. We can do it as individuals. We can be fossil fuel-free in one generation, in 30 years' time. And a company can do it, or a country can do it, or the world can/must do it.

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