tetujin's blog


The reef

2022-05-26 22:21:55 | cinema

A story about five guys trying to enjoy sailing in Australia. However, the vessel hits an underwater rock and capsizes with an opening on her bottom. The man advises that they should swim in the north direction to reach the Turtle Island, in Queensland, Australia, while they have strength since there is a current moving the boat in the opposite direction of land but Warren prefers to stay on the hull waiting for help since there are sharks in the water. The quartet swims, but they are hunted by a great white shark.

The sharks in this film are real. Moreover, all the footage of the sharks was filmed in the environs of Port Lincoln on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia, just off the state's Spencer Gulf, at the Neptune Islands.

"You look like a seal in that. Sharks love seals."
I wonder what about. If we didn't wear  wet suit, we won't be able to gain buoyancy, and above all, we will lose our physical strength if we soak in seawater for a long time.

The Reef (2010) - Official Trailer

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