tetujin's blog


Ukrainian woman confronts armed Russian soldier - BBC News

2022-04-18 19:34:59 | 日記

More civilians killed as Russian forces continue attacks on Ukrainian cities. Russia escalates and tries to show that no part of Ukraine is safe. 
The West has congratulated itself for the sanctions imposed on Moscow but these countries' leaders are also scratching their heads what will their actions accomplish and what exactly is Vladimir Putin's endgame in Ukraine. 

People in Ukraine are dying, including children, and many thousands of lives are at risk. Take action to demand that the Russian authorities stop this act of aggression and protect civilians now.  
What can we do to stop Russia? 

We must remind that the fanatics alone cannot run a human society. Humans inherently have diverse values and do not obey the orders of a handful of fanatics. Dictators always make mistakes because no one criticizes or disobeys the order. 

The pen is mightier than the sword. If there is no one to obey Putin, that's the end. Urge the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, and demand that Russia ends the aggression immediately, protects civilians and respects international law.

Ukrainian woman confronts armed Russian soldier - BBC News

