Mongolia. I decided to go this summer. First, I look at the map and imagine that land. My journey always begins like this.
However, as far as I can see the map, it is a flat land with nothing. It's because the endless grasslands.
It's fatal if I got lost. I have no sense of direction. So, just in case, I installed the map of Mongolia on the GPS device used for the flight of the paraglider.
I managed to display the map on a small screen, something that was a little difficult. I can hardly see the screen with my presbyopia. ..
Enter the coordinates of the gel I sm going to stay. As long as the battery of the GPS device last, that device will guide me. It is the artificial satellite Michibiki that guides me in the turquoise sky.
映画『ターコイズの空の下で』(UNDER THE TURQUOISE SKY)海外版予告編