from a pasage of editorials of a paper

2006年09月08日 10時56分05秒 | 新聞記事から
A new problem has occured in the project of Sakhalin 2, in which they will exploite natural gas off Sakhalin and export it as liquified natural gas to counties including Japan.Russia Natural Resources Supervision Bureau filed a lawsuit against the project in a district court in Moscow, aiming at suspending the project in the belief that there is possibility the project might destroy the environment.
注記:ロシア天然資源監督局の監督局をSupervision Bureauとしていますが、Management Bureau の方がシンプルでいいのかかも知れません。

Summit meeting of ASEM(the Asia-Europe Meeting),where talks on policies among counties in Asia and Europe are expected , will be held in Helsinki from September 10. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi will attend it and this is his final overseas trip.We want the premier to make the people of Europe, where interest in Asia continuing to grow in terms of economy has been increasing,understand the importance and key role of Japan in Asian region.
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from other headlines of news in a papaer

2006年09月08日 10時03分54秒 | 新聞記事から
安倍氏 32都道府県で優勢 自民総裁戦 きょう告示
The candidates for the Liberal Democratic Party' s president are notified today. The present situation is that Shinzo Abe,Chief cabinet Secretary, is predominant in 32 prefectures.

政治資金 21年ぶり低水準 昨年1328億円 献金落ち込む
The political funds collected was 132.8 billion yen last year. The figure is a record low in 21 years. One reason is decline of contributions.

ブレア英首相 1年以内退任の意向
British Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed yesterday his wish to step down from the post within a year.

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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月08日 09時24分26秒 | 新聞記事から
レアメタル 安定供給へ総合対策
経産省来年度から リサイクル確立
代替材料を開発 備蓄も拡充


It is learned that the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry will start practicing comprehensive measures for ensuring stable supply of rare metals.Among the measures is the establishment of recycling system by which rare metals are collected from dumped electric products again.Other measures are the development of substitute materials and the expansion of rare metals' storage.

in a table,
Major Rare Metals
name and its main usage
share of Japan's consumption
price increase ratio

Among the measures is the establishment of recycling system by which rare metals are collected from dumped electric products again.の文章は倒置形になっています。本来の形は、The establishment of recycling system by which rare metals are collected from dumped electric products again is among the measures.
The measures include the establishment of recycling system by which rare metals are collected from dumped electric products again.

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