from en editorial of Yomiuri

2006年09月17日 08時16分56秒 | 新聞記事から
(The Daily Yomiuriの訳は残念ながらありません)
Loan business law's revision: Block the entrance to the multiple debt

It is desirable to abolish ,as soon as possible, high-interest-rate loans ,which might lead to the beginning of multiple debts.

The Liberal Democratic Party has decided its draft plan for the revision of the loan business law, lowering the ceiling of the interest rates,which consumer finance creditors impose.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月17日 07時53分03秒 | 新聞記事から
東証 株価変動制限を緩和 個別銘柄値幅最大1.5倍 売買しやすく
09年度メド 乱高下対策も

The Tokyo Stock Exchange has decided that it will relax its limit of listed shares' price variation a day in order to make selling and buying of the share listed more easily and flexibly reached. According to the plan, the limit range ,which is curently decided every business day for each listed share,will be extended up to 1.5 times the present. This measure will be implemented around 2009, and the measures for too violent price turbulance also will be introduced.

in a table,
Major Poits of Price Variation Limit's Revision

海外生産 トヨタ、500万台規模へ 08年度計画 国内と逆転 確実に
Toyota's overseas production capability will become the 5-million-unit level per yeay in 2008. This ensures that it will top its domestic capability.

エネルギー、インフレ、保護主義 成長持続へ潜在リスク G7会議共同声明
表で、人民元の柔軟化促す G7共同声明の骨子
G7 meeting of finace ministers and central banks' governors ended and issued its joint declaration,citing ,as potential risk factors, energy problems,inflation,and protectionism.

in a table, Gists of G7 Joint Declaration
encouraging yuan to become more flexible to the market
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