大型液晶TV 東芝、ポーランドに工場 来夏稼動 欧州で生産能力3倍
Toshiba will build a new plant for producing big-size liquid-crystal TVs in Poland,with the operation expected to start next summer.This investment will triple the comapy's production capability of flat-panel TVs in Europe.
日比首脳、経済連携協定に署名 看護士・介護福祉士 初の「労働開放」
The leaders of the two countries, Japan and the Philippines, sealed yesterday, September 9, a Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries. Under the agreement, Japan admits the nurses and care workers from the Philippines to work in Japan under a ceratin condition. This is the first case marking the opening of labor market in Japan.
Toshiba will build a new plant for producing big-size liquid-crystal TVs in Poland,with the operation expected to start next summer.This investment will triple the comapy's production capability of flat-panel TVs in Europe.
日比首脳、経済連携協定に署名 看護士・介護福祉士 初の「労働開放」
The leaders of the two countries, Japan and the Philippines, sealed yesterday, September 9, a Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries. Under the agreement, Japan admits the nurses and care workers from the Philippines to work in Japan under a ceratin condition. This is the first case marking the opening of labor market in Japan.