from other news' headlines in a paper

2006年09月10日 12時56分47秒 | 新聞記事から
大型液晶TV 東芝、ポーランドに工場 来夏稼動 欧州で生産能力3倍
Toshiba will build a new plant for producing big-size liquid-crystal TVs in Poland,with the operation expected to start next summer.This investment will triple the comapy's production capability of flat-panel TVs in Europe.

日比首脳、経済連携協定に署名 看護士・介護福祉士 初の「労働開放」
The leaders of the two countries, Japan and the Philippines, sealed yesterday, September 9, a Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries. Under the agreement, Japan admits the nurses and care workers from the Philippines to work in Japan under a ceratin condition. This is the first case marking the opening of labor market in Japan.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月10日 12時48分14秒 | 新聞記事から
みずほコーポ銀 韓国大手2行と提携 投資銀業務 アジア展開
It is learned that Mizuho Corporate Bank has entered its final satge of making an alliance with the two major South Korean banks including Shinkan Bank( New Korean Bank). The alliance will aim at further expanding their investment banking businesses in the Asian areas. Mizuho Corporate Bank will invest 10 billion yen in the equity of Shinkan Bank.

in a figure,
Image of Mizuho Corporate Bank's Alliance with Korean Banks
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