from other articles

2006年09月13日 11時20分14秒 | 新聞記事から
Inteligence-gathering satellite :
The puropse of putting the satellite in the orbit is mainly for surveillance of the North Korea's nuclear weapons development and the move of launching missiles from there.From the viewpoint of ensuring the security, it is natural to improve the quality of the satellite.
(The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency recently launched an intelligence-gathering satellite to enable it to monitor North Korea's nuclear weapons program and maintain a watch for any indication of further missile launches by the reclusive state. Japan has every justification in improving the capability of its intelligence-gathering satellites to bolster national security.)

The information-gathering satellite ,which is the third in Japan, was launched by the domestic 10th H2-A rocket.
(On monday,the H2-A rocket No.10 was launched,inserting the nation's third spy satellite into orbit.)

This is the second optical satellite which is able to photo the earth's ground by the high-quality camera. But it is not able to take photos in the night or in a cloudy daytime.Radar satellite ,which observes the earth's ground by radio, is still only one in operation.
(Japan currently has two optical satellites-including the latest one-that are capable of photographing the Earth with high-resolution cameras.However,these satelites cannot photograph the Earth at night or when it is cloudy.In addition,Japan has only one radar satellite,which uses radio signals,to keep en eye on the world.)

注:カッコ内の英文はThe Daily Yomiuriによる訳文

日野自、スカニアと提携 世界販売 トラックを相互供給
Hino , a major domestic truck manufacturerer,affiliated with Toyota will nake an alliance witt Scania,a major truck maker in Sweden for the purpose of enhancing their sales of trucks in the world market. Concretely, they will supply their products to each other.

米貿易赤字680億ドル 7月最高に
U.S. trade deficit has become $ 68 billion,which is the highest ever.

民社代表選 小沢氏が無投票再選 菅・鳩山氏 執行部残留へ「格差是正」対立軸に
Ichiro Ozawa was reelected Democratic Party of Japan president with no votes. Naoto kan and Yukio Hatoyama are believed to remain in the party's leadership.The Ozawa's party intends to make the issue of correction of social gap between people the theme of debate with ruling parties.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月13日 10時14分25秒 | 新聞記事から
赤字地方債 解禁を検討 総務省 国主導の改革計画条件 地方自治体の再建策

図で、自治体財政 再建策のイメージ

The outline of schemes the Ministry of Internal Affairs and communiocations is now deliberating on for preventing the local governments from collapsing in terms of their finances has recentlt made clear.According to the plan, The ministry intends to lift the ban that if local governments are in the deficit in their finances , they will not be able to issue their bonds. Even so, the condition that a state -oriented restructuring efforts are carried out, is to be attatched to the local government each.

in a figure,
Image of Autonomous Bodies' Financial Restructuring

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