デジタル製品 シェア変動 4月以降、5品目で上位交代
携帯電話端末シャープ首位 一眼レフカメラ ソニー3位浮上 技術力で参入
In the digital products, share rankings have changed.Since April,in the five items, top rankings have been repalced. In the mobile phone handsets Sharp has gotten to top,and in the single-lens reflex cameras Sony has come to third with its advanced technology.
携帯電話端末シャープ首位 一眼レフカメラ ソニー3位浮上 技術力で参入
In the digital products, share rankings have changed.Since April,in the five items, top rankings have been repalced. In the mobile phone handsets Sharp has gotten to top,and in the single-lens reflex cameras Sony has come to third with its advanced technology.