from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年09月30日 16時35分32秒 | 新聞記事から
( )内は、The Daily Yomiuri による英訳(10.1に掲載します):
Abe's policy pledge in the Diet: How does he realize its idea?
(Abe should explain how he'll realize his vision)
The image of the sate which Prime Minister Shinzo Abe intends to pursue, to some extent, has com to be clear. But the concrete methods and measures by which the idea would be realized have yet to become clear.
(The first policy speech given by Prime Minister Shinzo abe has clarified what kind of shape he wants to see this country take.However,the nation's new leader seems unclear about what he will do to accomplish the goals stipulated in his address.)

The prime minister stressed in his first policy address ,as a prime minister in the Diet ,yesterday, on September 29, his government's intention to make this country a beautiful one.
( On Friday, Abe delivered his inaugural key policy speech before both houses of the Diet,emphasizing his efforts to transporm Japan into "a beautiful nation.")
It appears that he wants to make the word of " making a beaytiful country" a key-word for his administration, like the phrase of " structural reforms without sanctuary" in the time of the former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi.
(The policy address suggests Abe will use "building a beautiful country" as a pet slogan during his term in office, much in the way that his predecessor,Junichiro Koizumi,championed "structural reforms without sacred cows.")
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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月30日 14時40分54秒 | 新聞記事から
光通信事業 KDDI, 東電から買収 来年1月、1000億円強で 東電 事実上の撤退
KDDI Corporation has basically reached an agreement with TEPCO( Tokyo Electric Power Company,Incorporated) to buy out the optical communication business from TEPCO next January at the cost of slightly more than 100 billion yen. This means,in effect, Tepco's withdrawal from the business.

安倍首相 所信表明 技術革新で長期戦略 歳出削減の徹底を強調
In his first polcy pledge in the Diet as a prime minister, Abe clearly expressed his wish to make a lon-term startegy for pumping up the natinal economy through technological innovation.He also stressed that his administration will intensify implementing the measures for the national budget(ary) spending cut.

パソコン用ソニー製電池 東芝・富士通も回収 対象、世界で700万個越す
Both Toshiba and Fujitsu announced that they will voluntarily recall the Sony-made batteries installed in their PCs sold with their brand names. The number of batteries which shoul be recalled all over the world has come to be over 7 million units,which is a highest-ever record of this kind.

諮問会議新民間委員 御手洗・丹羽氏ら 改革推進へ4人内定
As new members of the Council of Ecomomic and Fiscal Management Policy in the government,four persons from the private sector,including Fujio Mitarai,President of Japan Fedaration of Ecomonic Organizations, and Uichiro Niwa, Chairman of ITOCHU Corporatio,were unoffically decided, in order to pursue reforms.
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