Kanzaburo's kabuki-p.s.を追加

2006年09月18日 09時43分48秒 | 新聞記事から
I enjoyed the Kabuki performance played by Nakamura Kanzaburo yesterday at the theater, called the Kanamaruza,located in Kotohira,Kagawa Prefecture.It was one of performances, which started the day before yesterday there and ends today, commemorating Kanzaburo succeeding to its name. The performance consisted two plays and a Kojyo,a greeting of Kanzaburo to the audience,which I first experiencd and I think was very intersting and more frank and witty than expected. I think again Kabuki is rich in humor. It was my second visit to Kabuki theater after this spring,when I happened to see Ichikawa Ebizo in a bathroom in a hotel.This time, according to Kanzaburo's saying, He, or Nakamura-Za troupe will visit New York again next year and Berlin the year after next. Fortunately I had a good seat, within three or five meters I saw the play and Kanzaburu, who is and will be one of the most wonderful and talented Kabuki actors.Lucky day,and happy day ,indeed. It made me rich really.

p.s. As to the above description, I am mistaken in saying a bathroom concerning the palce I happened to see Ichikawa Ebizo. It was a bath in a Hotel, the Kotohira Grand Hotel's Hanano-Sho. The ticket was so difficult to take bacause of its popularity that I had to apply for the ticket including the saying at a hotel the day befre the performance. This make me see Ebizo in a bath. When I entered the bath,at its entrance I met him with his head seeming to be a priest one being conspicuous. At first, I thought Kotohira was unique as this kind of young man like taht hair style is living there.But soon I got to know he is a Kabuki actor,and appeared in a NHK Sunday program as playing a role for Musashi. What I want to add here is that his physique is very solid, masculine,and square,like a wrestler.We usually see him wearing Kimono, then most people may not notice it.
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from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年09月18日 09時24分41秒 | 新聞記事から
括弧内の英文はThe Daily Yomiuri による。
Coming-of-Age Day: We want to make a happy longevity society.
Respect-for-the-Aged day とすべきでした。
(Society must cherish its elderly citizens)

This is Coming-of-Age day. across the country, The number of people whose age are over 100 has come to be some 28,000.
(We commemorate Respect-for-the Aged Day today. There are more than 28,000 centenarians nationwide,and we would like to pay our respects to those who are 100 years old-and older-and congratulate them on their longevity.)

We would like to formally honor the seniors , who have lived for more than one hundred years, and celebrate their longevity.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月18日 09時00分13秒 | 新聞記事から
国の税収 法人税依存が鮮明に 2006年度 所得税と逆転へ
Independence on the corporate tax has become more and more conspicuous in the sate's tax revenues. People concerned say that the revenue from corporate taxes will top that from income taxes from around fiscal 2006.

自民三役人事 25日メド実施 安倍氏意向
Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe expressed his wish that he would like to to finish reshuffling Liberal Party's executives around September 25.

野村、ロシアに拠点 証券初、年内に 投資銀業務を展開
Nomura Securities will set up a hub in Russia,which is the first case in the securities industry, within the year, in order to operate the investment banking business there.

65歳以上の割合 過去最高20.7% 総務省推計、2640万人
According to the estimates by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Comunications, The ratio of those aged 65 ond older to the total population has become a record high of 20.7 percent, or 2.6 million people.

公共工事 落札水準の低下続く ゼネコン 価格競争、中堅に拡大
In public works contracts, the contract price has been declining. This means that price competition among general contractors has become severe, and also, that kind competition has spreaded into the medium-size companies in the industry.
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