

工学部の学生にイーロン・マスク(Elon Musk)の1時間ほどのTEDインタビューについて英文エッセイを書く課題を課したが700語前後!なかなかいい!

2022-07-28 02:00:26 | 英語教育・語学一般
何かと話題になっているElon Muskイーロンマスクである。昨今Twitterの買収を撤回したことでも話題になった。億万長者でもBill Gaitsとスタンスが異なる。日本人の死亡率が出生率に勝ることを憂える発言もあったばかりだ。ちなみに彼は子だくさんである。世界の人口はふえるべきだの主張をしている。
(~ underpopulation is one of the greatest crises of human civilization.つまりビル・ゲイツさんたちと対峙しています!)


   Elon Musk's curiosity  
  Watching this video, I was impressed by the fact that Elon Musk is concerned about the future in many ways. Some people may think that they are only good for as long as they are alive. However, most importantly, he is not only concerned but hopeful for the future, working on something that everyone thinks it is impossible. One internet site said that he is a “dreamer”. I think that is exactly the word that suits him. I learned from him the importance of coming up with something that no one had ever thought of before and then putting it into action and getting it done in a variety of fields, such as space, electricity, automobiles, AI robotics, and so on. So, I will write about it.  
   This video reminded me of an experiment when I was a high school student, I read a long English text. The experiment is about an IC chip that is inserted into the body. I investigated it and found that Elon Musk had experimented. I was very surprised to learn that and thought I would never have thought of that. IC chips are meant to communicate directly with other humans and computers about what our brains think.it is also used in place of a card or authentication key. It is implanted in the human skull. Apart from that, Elon Musk intends to use IC chips to treat many head-related diseases such as autism. Isn’t it scary to put a foreign object in the brain? Some people have a negative opinion about this. But the most amazing thing is that he comes up with this and he is doing it for real. Why would he come up with something like this that no one else would think about? I attribute that to the fact that he read a lot of books when he was little and his curiosity. He got a lot of worlds and questions from books. His creativity is beyond the ordinary. He is like a boy. 
  My motto is “to wait and hope”. There is the word from “The Count of Monte Cristo”, written by French novelist Alexandre Dumas. This novel is about a man who takes revenge in the face of despair. Although cruel, it teaches us the importance of having hope and knowledge. I was reminded of these words when I heard Elon Musk speak. In today’s unstable world, with the coronavirus, recession, etc., not many people have for the future. This is especially true for young people. As a result, voter turnout for elections in Japan has also been declining. People don’t have time to care about the world. But he is always looking to the next generation to make the future better. And he has come up with many creative ideas. That is exactly what it means “To wait and hope”. In addition to this, he is acting, and he is constantly thinking about the next thing. He has an imagination as well as action. Certainly, there are things you can’t know unless you try. However, everyone thinks that challenges are scary. He may be both hopeful and fearful of the challenge. I suspect that this is what drives him further. 
   From the above, I think Elon Musk is imaginative and dynamic. But these would not be created without a strong sense of curiosity. To do so, we must remember to be willing to learn. The same can be said in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo”. As adults, we don’t have many opportunities to learn. From a young age, Elon Musk was curious and asked his father many questions. From this dialogue, I learned the importance of being interested, thinking about things, and acting. Above all, I learned the importance of having hope. He is a dreamer.  
    Throughout his life, he has taught us the importance of following our dreams. We, too, should have hope to change the present, even in a world where the future is uncertain. I want to introduce many people to the life of Elon Musk now. I also decided that I would not waste my time in college and would challenge myself with an attitude of learning. First, I think I will read a lot of books. It’s exactly what it says, “Learn, build, live”. 
 ② 中国からの留学生のエッセイ

In an exclusive conversation between Elon Musk and TED head Chris Anderson, I understood Elon Musk's thoughts on how Elon Musk wants to look at the future without feeling despair. We should wake up every morning hopeful, excited about what's coming, and looking forward to it. The future must be bright if we work hard and don't settle for the status quo. Elon Musk feels that there are three main factors in the future of energy, the first is perpetual energy generation, mainly wind and solar, and the second is that we need batteries to store solar and wind energy, so there is a need for many stationary battery storage systems, and for electric transport. The factors that limit our further development now: the most significant limitation comes from the manufacture of batteries. 

People should look to the future, where humanity will eventually achieve energy permanence. Elon Musk believes that what is basically missing now is: real-world artificial intelligence, an abundance of processes, and the sensors and brakes we need to design humanoid robots. Robots may first be used in manufacturing, but eventually, they should be used in the home and integrated into people's lives, so safety features are very important. It is hoped that in the future costs will be reduced and production scaled up. Elon Musk feels that the problem of the future is not that people are unemployed but that there will still be a labor shortage. People lack the ability to realize their potential. The only risk for robots should be that (artificial general intelligence) or (digital super intelligence) deviates from the collective human consciousness and goes in a direction that we don't like or that we expect to be different. 

 Ensuring that the future moves in the direction we want it to connect humans more closely to artificial intelligence. Elon Musk believes that humans have long been cyborgs and that computers are extensions of humans. Digital ghosts live on after people die, in our newsletters, social media, emails, and so on. People are dead but everything on the internet is still there. What is stopping the development of the human-computer interface is the rate of data transfer. Elon Musk hopes to make the first human implants this year, initially for various neurological injuries, but then people may be able to use these devices to strengthen themselves and strengthen the world. But before the human-machine integration, the focus should be on addressing brain injuries and whiplash injuries, for example. Elon Musk's short-term goal now is to help injured people, while the long-term goal is to try to deal with the existential risks of AI to civilization and to shorten the distance between human civilization and digital intelligence. 

  Chris Anderson believes that if AI is to take over Earth, we need a plan B. Starships are vital, and we should strive for the safe recovery of starships, which are designed for immediate re-flight so that they can be launched again with only a refueling of propulsion. Starships will be the universal vehicle of the solar system, because once Mars has a fuel depot, it will be possible to travel to the asteroid belt, Jupiter, and any other corner of the solar system. The initial attempts at such advanced and new technology should be quite risky. But Mars will never be luxurious at first, it will be dangerous, arduous, and hard work. 

 Elon Musk hopes that humanity can have a better future, but also that it can begin to understand: the nature of the universe, and the meaning of life. Humanity is facing enormous challenges, underpopulation is one of the greatest crises of human civilization, the current birth rate is far lower than the survival of human civilization, humanity needs to be able to act in the face of climate change, and humanity needs to evolve into a multi-planetary species to ensure the future of humanity. Elon Musk's greatest motivation comes from curiosity, a desire to think of the future without sadness and to look at it more optimistically. If you want a better future, you must act physically. Take powerful action on things, and then it is possible to achieve it. 


