

Sōseki and the Origin of Modern Japanese Literature 漱石と現代日本文学の起源

2018-02-17 01:30:45 | Academia

身体論を今まで意識していなかった。送られてきた Tsu-Chung Suの「From Xin(心)and Energy unto Mindfulness and Altered Consciousness: The Asian Bodymind in Theory and Practice とRavi Chaturvediの「Metaphysics of Bodies in Classical Indian theatre」を読んだ。ラビーさんは懐かしい。というのも2003年にジャイプールに行った時お世話になった教授で発表をアクセスしてくれた方だ。彼らの論を読んで理解するのはいいが、自らある論を纏めるのは時間がかかる。Tsu-Chung Suさんは日本の伝統芸能(能、歌舞伎など)のエッセンスから中国、インドを含めてアジア的身体論〈演技者〉のための論を展開している。世阿弥の花も論じている。西欧の概念としては80年代に流行っていたグロトフスキーの神秘的な聖なる演劇理論やピーターブルック、アルトーなどを紹介している。Bodymindが新しい。ラビーさんの論の中でThe body is center of visual poetry which is instrumental to explores various perspectives of life as experienced through the human body.とある。身体が見える詩なのである。Classical theatre has explained acting as a vehicle to convey the dramatic material from poet to the audience, rather than an art of imitation, as has been described in western definitions.模倣ではなく詩人の書いた叙事詩なり物語を観客に伝えるのが演技だとの認識である。模倣と伝える媒体の差異は?模倣して観客に伝えるのも事実だ。媒体と模倣したもの(模倣するもの)の違い?





Takeshi  Morisato Takeshi Morisato
Université libre de BruxellesEast Asian Studies Centre (EASt), Post-Doc

World literature & Philosophies Lecture Series 1 (VUB-ULB): Sōseki and the Origin of Modern Japanese Literature 漱石と現代日本文学の起源

This lecture series invites scholars in the field of literature and world philosophies to talk about ideas found in the cross section between world literature and diverse intellectual traditions. As a part of the VUB-ULB academic partnership, the series particularly welcomes contributions on East Asian literature and philosophies but remains open to discussions on literary works per-tainting to any intellectual tradition. For more information,




Jeffrey Angles Jeffrey Angles
Western Michigan UniversityWorld Languages and Literatures, Faculty Member

Poetry in an Era of Nuclear Power: Three Poetic Responses to Fukushima

This book chapters explores the writing of three of Japan's most important and active poets--Wagō Ryōichi, Takahashi Mutsuo, and Arai Takako--and the poetry that they wrote in response to the Fukushima meltdown in 2011. "Poetry in an Era of Nuclear Power: Three Poetic Responses to Fukushima," Fukushima and the Arts: Negotiating Nuclear Disaster, ed. Barbara Geilhorn and Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt (NY: Routledge, 2016) 144-61.




Jeffrey Angles Jeffrey Angles
Western Michigan UniversityWorld Languages and Literatures, Faculty Member

These Things Here and Now: Poetic Responses to the March 11, 2011 Disasters

Published on the fifth anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima meltdown, this book explores the ways that many of Japan's most important poets have written about and represented the disasters in their work. This book contains a study of the themes, functions, and issues in that literature as well as copious translations of the original poetry. "In a time that for many of us in Tokyo and beyond feels far removed from the events of March 11, 2011, when we are not sure how to retain and respect those moments and their aftermath, this collection does exactly...




Giulio Pugliese Giulio Pugliese
King's College LondonWar Studies, Faculty Member

China-Japan-U.S. Relations under the Xi, Abe and Trump Leaderships

Following the opening salvos of U.S. tariffs on solar panels and washing machines, the Trump administration may now also push for a more muscular China policy, to the benefit of Japan’s dealings with China. Make no mistake: while Japan and China relations show signs of a minor détente in the making, this year will witness continued strategic rivalry and the fleshing out of opposing visions of regional, if not global, order. Leaders and their personality have no small role in 21st Century power politics.




Daniel  Hedinger Daniel Hedinger
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität MünchenHistorisches Seminar, Post-Doc

The Spectacle of Global Fascism: The Italian Blackshirt mission to Japan's Asian empire

In the spring of 1938 a mission of the Italian Fascist Party journeyed to the Japanese empire, visiting China, Korea, Manchukuo, and Japan itself. Those were happy days for the Axis and, as such, characterized by a flood of shuttle visits and requests for cooperation between Italy, Japan, and Germany. As we explore the choreography of the visit and accompany the Italian Blackshirts on their two-month-long trip, two processes become clear. On the one hand, the presence of the Blackshirts in Japan helped place the nation's regional war with China in the broader context of worldwide conflicts....



Pitambar Behera Pitambar Behera
Jawaharlal Nehru University,New Delhi,IndiaCentre for Linguistics, SLL & CS, Graduate Student

Documenting Sambalpuri-Kosli: The Case of a Less-resourced Language

Language is one of such components that everybody has a stake in; which encapsulates a consortium of elements such as culture of a community, indigenous knowledge paradigm, social and religious values, folklores and so on. One of the salient objectives of this research is to document and describe the Sambalpuri-Kosli language by way of preparing an online dictionary which could prove to be a stepping stone for the technological advancement and future research into it. The present dictionary is a multilingual, web-based and thematic dictionary of around 600 words collected from three...




Tino Bruno Tino Bruno
Ritsumeikan UniversityLanguage Education Center, Faculty Member

[フクシマ」を世界はどう報じたか 日本政府の情報発信と報道を再考する.pdf


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