STARTFOR--Global Intelligence≪ネット世界状況分析新聞≫によるとアフリカのナイジェリアでもテロが起こりそうである。世界は傾き、傾き急いで中東、そしてアフリカと紛争や内乱は続発する気配である。
以下は【Libya and Iraq:The Price of Sucess】STRATFOR から
の後半の結論! なぜか講読してくれと、送られてくるSTARTFOR--Global Intelligence-【ネットの世界状況分析】をする新聞である。
The Libyan crisis is not in such a high-stakes region, but the lesson of Iraq is useful. The NATO intervention has set the stage for a battle among groups that are not easily reconciled and who were held together by hostility to Gadhafi and then by NATO resources. If NATO simply leaves, chaos will ensue. If NATO gives aid, someone will have to protect the aid workers. If NATO sends troops, someone will attack them, and when they defend themselves, they will kill innocents. This is the nature of war. The idea of an immaculate war is fantasy. It is not that war is not at times necessary, but a war that is delusional is always harmful. The war in Iraq was delusional in many ways, and perhaps nowhere more than in the manner in which the United States left. That is being repeated in Libya, although with smaller stakes.
In the meantime, the influence of Iran will grow in Iraq, and now the question is Syria. Another NATO war in Syria is unlikely and would have unpredictable consequences. The survival of al Assad would create an unprecedented Iranian sphere of influence, while the fall of al Assad would open the door to regimes that could trigger an Israeli intervention.
World War II was nice in that it offered a clean end — unless, of course, you consider that the Cold War and the fear of impending nuclear war immediately succeeded it. Wars rarely end cleanly, but rather fester or set the stage for the next war. We can see that clearly in Iraq. The universal congratulations on the death of Moammar Gadhafi are as ominous as all victory celebrations are, because they ignore the critical question: Now what?
【The idea of an immaculate war is fantasy.】が強調されている。欠点のない(汚れのない)戦争なんてファンタシーさ、と!カダーフィーなき後のリビアがイラク化することを警告している。イラク戦争は妄想だった!?第二次世界大戦は奇麗な終わり方をした。冷戦では核戦争の脅威が続いた。戦争が明瞭に終結することはない。常に次の戦争を生み出す。それをイラクに見ることができる。カダーフィーの死は不吉な前触れということになる。イランがイラクに多大や影響力を持ち、サウジアラビアを包囲し、シリアへと向かい、究極にはイスラエルと対立するということになるのだろうか?イランの勢力が増すことによる緊張感がまた高まるとこの論は伝えている。NATOの介入がアメリカの再現になるのか?パワーゲーム、資源の収奪、犠牲になる市民たち!きれいな戦争はない、必ず犠牲が伴う、と正当化する。やれやれ!
STARTFOR--Global Intelligence≪ネット世界状況分析新聞≫によるとアフリカのナイジェリアでもテロが起こりそうである。世界は傾き、傾き急いで中東、そしてアフリカと紛争や内乱は続発する気配である。
以下は【Libya and Iraq:The Price of Sucess】STRATFOR から
の後半の結論! なぜか講読してくれと、送られてくるSTARTFOR--Global Intelligence-【ネットの世界状況分析】をする新聞である。
The Libyan crisis is not in such a high-stakes region, but the lesson of Iraq is useful. The NATO intervention has set the stage for a battle among groups that are not easily reconciled and who were held together by hostility to Gadhafi and then by NATO resources. If NATO simply leaves, chaos will ensue. If NATO gives aid, someone will have to protect the aid workers. If NATO sends troops, someone will attack them, and when they defend themselves, they will kill innocents. This is the nature of war. The idea of an immaculate war is fantasy. It is not that war is not at times necessary, but a war that is delusional is always harmful. The war in Iraq was delusional in many ways, and perhaps nowhere more than in the manner in which the United States left. That is being repeated in Libya, although with smaller stakes.
In the meantime, the influence of Iran will grow in Iraq, and now the question is Syria. Another NATO war in Syria is unlikely and would have unpredictable consequences. The survival of al Assad would create an unprecedented Iranian sphere of influence, while the fall of al Assad would open the door to regimes that could trigger an Israeli intervention.
World War II was nice in that it offered a clean end — unless, of course, you consider that the Cold War and the fear of impending nuclear war immediately succeeded it. Wars rarely end cleanly, but rather fester or set the stage for the next war. We can see that clearly in Iraq. The universal congratulations on the death of Moammar Gadhafi are as ominous as all victory celebrations are, because they ignore the critical question: Now what?
【The idea of an immaculate war is fantasy.】が強調されている。欠点のない(汚れのない)戦争なんてファンタシーさ、と!カダーフィーなき後のリビアがイラク化することを警告している。イラク戦争は妄想だった!?第二次世界大戦は奇麗な終わり方をした。冷戦では核戦争の脅威が続いた。戦争が明瞭に終結することはない。常に次の戦争を生み出す。それをイラクに見ることができる。カダーフィーの死は不吉な前触れということになる。イランがイラクに多大や影響力を持ち、サウジアラビアを包囲し、シリアへと向かい、究極にはイスラエルと対立するということになるのだろうか?イランの勢力が増すことによる緊張感がまた高まるとこの論は伝えている。NATOの介入がアメリカの再現になるのか?パワーゲーム、資源の収奪、犠牲になる市民たち!きれいな戦争はない、必ず犠牲が伴う、と正当化する。やれやれ!