

Truth is a Crime Against The State 真実は国家に対する犯罪!

2015-07-02 19:22:04 | 政治の潮流

Truth is a Crime Against The State — Paul Craig Roberts

Truth Is A Crime Against The State

Paul Craig Roberts

The entire Western edifice rests on lies. There is no other foundation. Just lies.西欧のすべての体系は嘘でなりたっている。

This makes truth an enemy. Enemies have to be suppressed, and thus truth has to be suppressed.真実が敵になり敵は鎮圧されるゆえに真実は鎮圧される。《マスコミに載らない海外記事さんが翻訳UPしています。それを転載します。》

Truth comes from foreign news sources, such as RT, and from Internet sites, such as this one.

Thus, Washington and its vassals are busy at work closing down independent media.

Washington and its vassals have redefined propaganda. Truth is propaganda if it is told by countries, such as Russia and China, that have independent foreign policies.

Propaganda is truth if told by Washington and its puppets, such as the EU Observer.

The EU Observer, little doubt following Washington’s orders, has denounced RT and Sputnik News for “broadcasting fabrications and hate speech from their bureaus in European Union cities.”

Often I appear on both RT and Sputnik. In my opinion both are too restrained in their reporting, fearful, of course, of being shut down, than full truth requires. I have never heard a word of hate speech or propaganda on either. Washington’s propaganda, perhaps, but not the Russian government’s.

In other words, the way Washington has the news world rigged, not even independent news sites can speak completely clearly.

The Western presstitutes have succeeded in creating a false reality for insouciant Americans and also for much of the European Union population.

A sizable percentage of these insouciant peoples believe that Russia invaded Ukranine and that Russia is threatening to invade the Baltic States and Poland. This belief exists despite all intelligence of all Western governments reporting that there is no sign of any Russian forces that would be required for invasion.

The “Russian invasion,” like “Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda connections,” like “Assad of Syria’s use of chemical weapons against his own people,” like “Iranian nukes,” never existed but nevertheless became the reality in the Western media. The insouciant Western peoples believe in non-existent occurrencies.

In other words, just to state the obvious noncontroversial fact, the Western “news” media is a propaganda ministry from which no truth emerges.真実がまったくないプロパガンダ・メディア=西欧の二ユーズメディア

Thus, the Western World is ruled by propaganda. Truth is excluded. Fox “news,” CNN, the NY Times, Washington Post, and all the rest of the most accomplished liars in world history, repeat constantly the same lies. For Washington, of course, and the military/security complex.西欧はプロパガンダで支配されている。

War is the only possible outcome of propaganda in behalf of war. When the irresponsible Western media brings Armageddon to you, you can thank the New York Times and the rest of the presstitutes for the destruction of yourself and all your hopes for yourself and your children.戦争は、戦争のためのプロパガンダの結果である。

Stephen Lendman, who comprises a good chunk of the remaining moral conscience of the West, explains the situation:

EU Bashes “Russian Propaganda”

by Stephen Lendman

Western major media march to the same drummer – dutifully regurgitating managed news misinformation garbage, willfully burying hard truths on issues mattering most.

Alternative sources beholden to truth and full disclosure operate by different standards – engendering ire among Western nations wanting their high crimes suppressed – bashing sources revealing them.

The EU Observer (EUO) claims independent credentials while supporting policies responsible news sources denounce.

Independently reporting hard truths isn’t its long suit. Its editor, Lisbeth Kirk, is the wife of former Danish European Parliament member Jens-Peter Bonde. Human Rights Watch’s European and Central Asian advocacy director Veronika Szente Goldston calls its journalists “the most in-your-face in Brussels.”

EUO irresponsibly bashed Russia’s Sputnik News and RT International – two reputable sources for news, information and analysis – polar opposite Western media propaganda.

It shamelessly called their reporting valued by growing millions “broadcasting fabrications and hate speech from their bureaus in EU cities.”

It touted plans by EU officials to counter what they called “use and misuse of communications tools…play(ing) an important role in the dramatic political, economic and security-related developments (in) Eastern (European countries) over the past 18 months.”

It drafted a nine-page “action plan” intended to convey “positive” messages. It’ll increase funding to blast out Europe’s view of things more effectively.

It wants EU policies promoted in former Russian republics the old-fashioned way – by repeating Big Lies often enough until most people believe them.

A new EU foreign service cell called East StratComTeam operating by September will run things – functioning as a European ministry of propaganda.

It’ll “develop dedicated communication material on priority issues…put at the disposal of the EU’s political leadership, press services, EU delegations and EU member states.”

Material circulated in Russia and other EU countries aims to let news consumers “easily understand that political and economic reforms promoted by the EU can, over time, have a positive impact on their daily lives” – even though precisely the opposite is true.

It wants so-called benefits Europeans enjoy explained to people continent-wide. Will millions of unemployed, underemployed and impoverished people buy what’s plainly untrue from their own experience?

Sputnik News, RT, US independent sources like the Progressive Radio Network and numerous others steadily gain audience strength at the expense of scoundrel media people abandon for good reason.

Growing numbers want truth and full disclosure on things affecting their lives and welfare. Politicians in Western countries want ordinary people treated like mushrooms – well-watered and in the dark.

RT’s editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan said “the European Union is diligently trying to stifle the alternative voice of RT, at a time when in Europe there are hundreds of newspapers, television channels and radio stations, which set out only one point of view on what is happening in the world.”

The BBC is Fox News with an English accent. US so-called public radio and broadcasting are no different – telling listeners and viewers everything except what they most need to know.

Simonyan explained “Britain (has) an entire army brigade of 1,500 men…whose tasks include the fight against Russia on social networks. NATO has a task force aimed at countering Russian influence throughout the world.” 

“Only recently, Deutsche Welle launched a 24-hour television channel in English to counter RT. At the same time, nearly all the major Western media, including the BBC, DW and Euronews have long disseminated their information in the Russian language, while Radio Liberty, funded directly by the US government, broadcasts in Russian.”

“(I)f after all this, the EU still complains that they are losing the ‘information war’ against Russia, perhaps it’s time to realize that” growing numbers of people are fed up with being lied to. 

People want reliable sources of news, information and analysis unavailable through mainstream Western sources using propagandists masquerading as journalists.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.


Paul Craig Roberts






ワシントンや、EU Observer等のワシントン傀儡が言えば、プロパガンダは真実だ。

EU Observerは、ワシントンの命令に従っていることに疑問の余地はないが、RTと、スプートニク・ニューズを、“欧州連合の諸都市にある各支局から、作り事と、ヘイト・スピーチを放送している”と非難した。





“ロシア侵略”は、“サダム・フセインの大量破壊兵器や、アルカイダとのつながり”や “シリアのアサドの自国民に対する、化学兵器使用”や、“イランの核”同様、決して存在などしていないのに、欧米マスコミの中では現実と化している。お目出度い欧米諸国民は、ありもしない出来事を信じこんでいる。






Stephen Lendman

欧米の主要マスコミは、同じ鼓手に合わせて行進している 管理された虚報ニュース・ゴミを忠実に繰り返し、最も重要な物事に関するつらい真実を故意に隠している。







彼等は“積極的な”メッセージを伝えることを意図した、9ページの“行動計画”を策定した。ヨーロッパの物の見方を より効果的に打ち出す為、資金拠出を増やす予定だ。


9月までには仕事を始めるEast StratComTeamと言う名の新たなEU外務部局が取り仕切り、ヨーロッパのプロパガンダ省として機能する。





益々多くの人々が、真実と、自分達の生活と幸福に影響する物事の全面開示を求めている。欧米諸国の政治家連中は、庶民をキノコのように扱いたがっている - 水をたっぷりやり、暗闇で。


BBCは、イギリス英語アクセントのフォックス・ニューズだ。アメリカの、いわゆる公共ラジオ・テレビ放送も同様で - ラジオ聴取者やテレビ視聴者に、彼等が最も知る必要があることを除いて、あらゆることを伝えている。






編集者、寄稿者としての新刊書は“Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”






