

おばさんの料理教室 八宝菜(4~5人分)

2021年07月18日 | 日記



八宝菜(パーパオツァイ)とは中国料理のひとつである。もとは浙江江蘇安徽の料理。五目うま煮とも。八宝菜の「八」は「8種類」という意味ではなく単なる「多くの」の意味。 八宝菜をご飯の上にかけた日本発祥の料理は中華丼と呼ばれる。




② 中華鍋にサラダ油大匙2で熱し生姜1かけを香りよく炒める。

③ 豚肉200gを加え色が変わったらシーフードを加え炒める。

④ 火が通りにくい順に、白菜・にんじん・きのこ類・椎茸1パック・たけのこ小1個・白菜の葉・かまぼこ1個を加え炒める。しゃきしゃきが残る程度に。

⑤ 混ぜておいた合わせ調味料を一気に注ぎいれ、茹でたうずらの卵数個も加え、強火で混ぜながら加熱。とろみが足りない場合は水溶き片栗粉を適当に入れ出来上がり。

Babao dishes (4to5 people).

Just add the good Hachihona  ingredients , stir-fried janjan and seasoning .

Papao Tsai is one of the Chinese dishes.  It was first cooked in Zhejiang,   Jiangsu and Anhui.  Gomi Kuma-ni and. "8" of Hachihona does not mean "8 kinds", but just means "many". The dish originating in Japan with Hachihona on rice is called Chinese rice bowl.


200g thinly sliced pork1/4 Chinese cabbage 1/4 carrot 1 small boiled mushroom, 1 small piece of 1 small 1-pack kamaboko quail, such as 1 small 1-pack ginger(shakukiri) 1 pieceThe seasoning is about 350 ml of water, 2 teaspoons of chicken soup, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce (if not double soy sauce), 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, a little pepper, 1 tablespoon starch. 5 to 2 sesame oil

①1 small carrot is cut into strips, 1/4 of Chinese cabbage is cut off the core

and the leaves. Thaw the raw shrimp and squid about 100 g and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

Heat 2 tablespoons of salad oil in a wok and stir-fry 1 piece of ginger fragrantly.

Add 200g pork, add seafood when the color changes, and fry.

Add 1 pack of Chinese cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, 1 bamboo shell, 1 Chinese cabbage leaf, and 1 pumpkin in order of difficulty in heating. To the extent that the singing remains.

Pour in the seasoning that you mixed at once, add several eggs of boiled quail, and heat while mixing over a high heat. If there is not enough melt, put water-soluble starch appropriately and it is ready.

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