② ①に胡麻だれ(市販品でも良い)をからめる、すり胡麻を加えたり、紅葉おろしでも好みにより。
③ トマト・キュウリ・キャベツに②を乗せ、刻み紫蘇の葉をかけて出来上がり。
* 野菜はレタス・玉ねぎ・ブロッコリー・トマト・大根・胡瓜、人参・白菜・キャベツ・オクラ・小芋、または豆腐・茹で卵も良い。
Pork reishab with plenty of tomatoes
I made cold shabu-shabu for the first time in a long time.
①Put the pork for the shabshab in boiling water, bring to a boil, pull up and cool at room temperature.
② ①To make sesame sauce (commercial products may be made), add grated sesame seeds, or grated autumn leaves depending on your preference.
③ Put ② on tomato, cucumber, cabbage, and chop shiso leaves.
* Vegetables include lettuce, onions, broccoli, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, okra, small potatoes, or tofu and boiled eggs.
* For meat dressing, mix 100g sesame paste, 60g soy sauce, 45gof mingle, 30g of vinegar, 30g of lemon juice, 30g of wasabi, etc. (black sesame is also good).